The worldwide demand for energy is almost inexhaustible. Couple that demand with the need for clean energy -- and energy we can afford -- and the picture gets a lot more complicated. Fortunately, good market research helps us to get some perspective of the potential for PV to meet these energy demands.
There are two types of market research available in the solar industry: primary research and secondary research. Secondary market research related to the solar industry is relatively easy to find on the internet. This information is based on studies that were conducted by industry groups, government agencies, or extracted from other publicly available sources. This secondary information is often generalized and not targeted towards addressing a specific business need. On the other hand, primary market research studies are more specific, particularly useful in the solar industry to answer a specific question.
For example, one can find secondary research on the percentage of homeowners who lease a rooftop system as opposed to buy a system. But it takes a more specific series of questions -- often as part of a survey or focus group -- to determine how satisfied homeowners are with their lease or purchase of a solar system.
Paula Mints has specialized in primary research in the solar industry since 1997 -- most recently as the Chief Market Research Analyst with SPV Market Research. Please join me on this week's Energy Show on Renewable Energy World as Paula talks about her experiences in the "solar coaster," and talks about some primary market research insights that come directly from manufacturers, developers, installers and customers.