On this episode of the Enough is Enough podcast with Dr. David Clarke, the topic is about the peanut gallery of fools and how they will pressure you about the divorce.
Thanks for listening!
Dr. David Clarke's Books on Narcissism:
Escaping Your Narcissist https://www.davideclarkephd.com/product-page/escaping-your-narcissist
Enough is Enough: https://www.davideclarkephd.com/product-page/enough-is-enough
20 Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser: https://www.davideclarkephd.com/product-page/20-lies-that-keep-you-with-your-abuser
I Didn't Want a Divorce, Now What? https://www.davideclarkephd.com/product-page/i-didn-t-want-a-divorce-now-what