If you've ever tried to have better, more authentic, personal..dare we say Signature style and ended up feeling like you just wear the same thing all the time, this episode is for you!
Over the next two episodes, I'll be talking about Style Ruts--what they are, why they happen, and how to get out of them.
Every woman falls into a Style Rut now and then, including me. If you're not sure what a Style Rut is, basically, it's a major case of the wardrobe blahs. Nothing lights you up, everything feels the same, and getting dressed is a chore--especially for things outside your daily routines.
There are lots of reasons we fall into style ruts, but today, we're talking about a very specific type of style rut--that is, when you're consciously working on developing your style, but things are getting worse, instead of better.
The good news is, there's a reason your Signature Style is turning into a Style Rut--and today, we're uncovering what that is!
Full show notes and resources: https://youreverydaystyle.com/signature-style-or-style-rut