Dave Strohmaier, Director of Film Restorations for Cinerama, and his collaborator Tom March provide a detailed background on the epic restoration of the 1962 Cinerama classic. And the Warner Archives’ George Feltenstein details the history behind the release and the two-disk special edition blu-ray filled with extras.
We start with a review of how Dave’s interest in restoring the Cinerama films led to his first meetings with Warner Home Video, including George Feltenstein, to discuss “How the West Was Won.” This film was found to be in relatively good shape leading to a fairly easy restoration. The re-release of the restored film was hugely successful in both its Cinerama screenings in 2008 and in the Home Video editions. However, previous reviews of “The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm” film assets stated that they were so badly damaged that it was basically an “un-restorable” film. But advances in digital film restoration, combined with Dave’s work on the technically challenging WINDJAMMER restoration, gave him the confidence to explore the film once again. Starting with meetings in 2018, Dave and George recount the milestones in the collaboration between Cinerama and Warner Bros. And then Dave and Tom explain some of the specific restoration challenges they faced in their epic year-and-a-half spent on the project.
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