What is a garment technologist? What skills and knowledge do you need for this role? How do you build a portfolio for a garment tech role?
In today's episode I am joined by Garment Technologist Niamh Hill, Niamh currently works for one of the UKs largest online retailers and is here to answer all of these questions and much more including tips and tricks for building your portfolio and landing your dream job!
A great book mentioned by Niamh to support with learning pattern grading is 'Grading for the Fashion Industry: The Theory and Practice' by Martin Shoben and is available to buy from Amazon here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Grading-Fashion-Industry-Theory-Practice/dp/0953239519/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=pattern+grading&qid=1596123817&sr=8-10