The Final Girls: A Horror Film Podcast
A staunchly skeptical professor, Norman (Peter Wyngarde) discovers that his wife Tansy (Janet Blair) has been practicing black magic for years. When he destroys her charms, they fall prey to evil forces cast by someone else in the college.
I'm joined in this episode by horror fan and podcaster Ally Penelope, who hosts the Kill Count podcast, to dive into the ideas in Burn, Witch, Burn! We discuss the strong bond between Norman and Tansy, the hidden darkness in suburbia, the crazy credits of the film and its influence on better known horror films like The Stepford Wives or Rosemary's Baby.
The Final Girls are a UK-based film collective exploring the intersections of horror film and feminism.
Find out more about our projects here:
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Follow Anna on @annabdemented and Olivia is on @livihowe