The Final Girls: A Horror Film Podcast
A new mini-series dedicated to the influential book by Kier-la Janisse, House of Psychotic Women. Filmmaker Deborah Haywood (Pin Cushion), joins Anna to discuss the grotesquerie of David Cronenberg's The Brood, why it stayed with her, and the body horror of motherhood.
→ Watch all the films featured in the book HERE.
→ Buy the expanded edition of House of Psychotic Women HERE.
→ Attend the Matchbox Cine UK-wide tour HERE.
Produced and presented by Anna Bogutskaya
Music: "Prince of Darkness" by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
The Final Girls are a UK-based film collective exploring the intersections of horror film and feminism, founded by Anna Bogutskaya and Olivia Howe.
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