EP 47: Are you feeling like you are in need of a change in your midlife, but you don’t know where to start? You want someone to help you create a midlife to do list with a twist of spirituality and woo woo?
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken, in an open and honest conversation called, Creating Your Midlife “Inner Work” To Do List. My guest, Suzanne Smith, is a midlife blogger and master class course creator for midlife journey work. We discuss creating a “to do” list with action steps for a juicer midlife, marriage tweaks & finding your midlife spiritual truths. Suzanne helps guide us through the overwhelming challenges of midlife by sharing her personal experiences by taking responsibility for finding her own happiness. Amazon ain’t delivering your new midlife identity.
Suzanne is acting as our midlife mentor & “Spiritual Fashionista” and is ready to teach us how to live the midlife we have always dreamt about by breaking the damn rules!
Some Highlights:
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