EP 66: In midlife, what are you really hungry for? Is a cupcake or the fries going to satisfy that craving or is there a deeper longing or need? How do you physically and mentally feel in midlife? And, what nutritional elements can help change that? What “non-food” joys, purpose and personal meaning can we integrate into our daily routines? How can you easily incorporate healthier meals & snacks, and more nutrients into your life? Can we consistently “dabble” in the “midlife well-being buffet”, for optimal well-being?
Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken, in an open and honest conversation called, “Midlife Nutrition & ‘Well-Being Buffet’...3 Experts”. In this episode I go back and revisit some of my favorite conversations with three fabulous nutrition experts. All three women are using their different life experiences and educational & professional backgrounds to inform and help women gain a healthier midlife by finding our “good enoughs”, asking ourselves the important questions about ourselves and what we are really hungry for in our lives. Each of my guests explains her nutritional practices and how they communicate with their clients about the “midlife nutritional dabbling buffet”…eating, exercising and nourishing ourselves with other things than just food. If you’re looking to satisfy your internal hunger, use food to heal your mind & body or change your nutritional lifestyle, then you don't want to miss out on all of the juicy golden nuggets!
Some Highlights:
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