Episode 41 of The Fortnite Podcast brings together TwoLoudTX, MonsterDFace, and special guest, member of 100 Thieves, Sir Dimetrious. SirD shares his history of competitive gaming, discuss his view on being vocal about his game feedback, and an breaks down the current META. The cast also discusses the 5.21 update, heavy sniper, new LTMs and much more. Follow us on Twitter @FortnitePodcast
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Checkout more from Sir Dimetrious:
Twitter - @SirDimetrious - https://twitter.com/SirDimetrious
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/sirdimetrious
Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswnhXz7qEVxHGEks0IvcfQ
Troy - @TwoLoudTX
Monster - @MonsterDFace
Checkout more MonsterDFace content:
YouTube - youtube.com/monsterdface
Twitch - Twitch.tv/MonsterDface
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