Episode 42 of The Fortnite Podcast brings together TwoLoudTX, MonsterDFace, and special guest, Reverse2K. Reverse shares about his journey joining the Fortnite pro scene, and how it felt winning over $80K in week 4 of the #SummerSkirmish. The cast breaks down the week of gameplay, finds out what reverse is going to do with his winnings and much more. Follow us on Twitter @FortnitePodcast
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Checkout more from Reverse2K:
Twitter - @Reverse2K_ - https://twitter.com/Reverse2k_
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/reverse2k/
Troy - @TwoLoudTX
Monster - @MonsterDFace
Checkout more MonsterDFace content:
YouTube - youtube.com/monsterdface
Twitch - Twitch.tv/MonsterDface
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