51 avsnitt • Längd: 100 min • Månadsvis
A bi-weekly podcast on all manner of magic, occultism, and folklore, from learned traditions of grimoires and astrology to the folkways of traditional witchcraft and herbalism around the globe. Hosted by Sfinga, Salt, and B. Key of the ”With Cunning & Command” blog, bringing you all the same passionate exposition with far more mischief and devilry! Every two weeks, we bring you a folkloric deep-dive into an element of traditional magic to better enrich your knowledge base, a practicum on magical strategy and fostering enduring animistic relationships with your spirits, or a guest feature with a personal friend to tackle a combination of the two. Our goal is to bring together rigorous research with courageous ambition, delivered to you in the light-hearted banter of three best friends.
Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls
The podcast The Frightful Howls You May Hear is created by With Cunning & Command. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Key takes the gang on a journey through the first grimoire he ever dabbled with: the ever-reliable and user-friendly Black Pullet. Going over the talismans and rings as well as his own experiences with them, Key outlines budget-friendly ways to reap the benefits of this fascinating text (and its rather hilarious framing device).
Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
By popular request, the gang discusses some preliminary considerations in working with our verdant allies of the plant kingdoms. Drawing on their training across traditions, as well as Key's education in bio-chemistry, the trio discuss important protocols, spiritual understandings, and magical approaches to engaging with the spirits and patrons of herbal cunning. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Drawing on a set of frequently asked questions, Sfinga, Salt, and B. Key touch base on the ins and outs of travel magic. Starting off on tips for locking down your house with protection, negotiating your offering schedules with your spirits, and building the best travel kit for on the go magic, the gang also considers how to optimize your fortune in airports, hotels, places of power, nightclubs, and more. They also consider how to keep the blessings flowing and the spirits satiated upon return—and especially if and when you're moving house. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Salt takes the reigns on an introduction to basic angelic magic. Covering some basic theory following Pseudo-Dionysius, he considers the implications of working with angels on a number of metaphysical levels, and explores with the gang some of the most user-friendly ways of doing so, from the famous Drawing Spirits into Crystals to John Dee's scrying experiments. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Emergency episode incoming, spoilers beware! Sfinga and Key rush back to their mics after seeing Robert Eggers' Nosferatu (2024) to get beloved friend, fairy seer, and horror savant Rose Aurora on the call. Together, they analyze some of the key folkloric themes of the film—including vampirism, Balkan witchcraft, and erotic encounters with spirits—to glean the most relevant advice and insights for the discerning sorcerer. Expect a lot of attempts at "the voice"... and please, if you care about spoilers, go see the movie first before listening! Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga and B. Key are joined by their dear friend, Greek Orthodox folk practitioner and Traditional Chinese Medicine healer, Maria! Drawing on over a decade of experience training in various lineages of traditional Chinese healing and metaphysics, Maria leads the gang through an erudite discussion on the Chinese astrological understandings of Ba Zi. From reading the four pillars of destiny to introducing ancestral and health-related remediation through spirit work, herbal medicine, moxibustion, and acupuncture, Maria lends her time-tested wisdom of traditional training and everyday folk magic and sorcery to offer a fresh perspective on the power of astrological readings.
Maria's website: greendragonhealer.com. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
This could be none other than a certified B. Key special, an eclectic investigation into domination magic, intelligence gathering, and sorcerous pentesting for optimal results. Building off Episode 23: Troubleshooting Your Sorcery, Key leads the gang through the many ways you can work over targets that prove harder to crack, especially when it comes to boss fixing. And it wouldn't be a Key episode without a long-requested foray into the magic of lockpicking as a compliment to all of the above and more! Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Longtime friend and incredible tattoo artist, conjurer, Quimbandeiro, and practitioner of Thai necromancy Gary Noriyuki joins the gang once more to talk all about the magic involved in ceremonial tattooing. From inheriting lineage taboos to maintaining pacts, Gary covers the ins and outs of receiving different kinds of sacred tattoos, touching on his own training in Sak Yant as well as fusions with conjure and planetary sorcery. He also introduces key concepts in how amulets and tattoos relate as forms of worn and carried magic, and ways in which their differing pacts may interact when combined together. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Laroyê Exu, Exu é Mojubá! In this very special episode, Sfinga and Key welcome their Tata in Quimbanda de Angola, Tata Apokan (Jesse Hathaway Diaz), for a winding, serpentine foray through the world of Afro-Brazilian sorcery. In addition to touching on personal experiences in initiation, priesthood, and continual, expansive study within oral traditions, this episode also considers the importance of co-creating community, the nature of spirit possession, the history of Afro-Brazilian traditions and their study, and what it is to practice Quimbanda outside of Brazil. Cabula website: https://www.kitula-kia-njila.com/ Book a reading: https://www.kitula-kia-njila.com/services Jesse's website: https://www.jessehathawaydiaz.com/ Jesse's store: https://www.the-pact.store/ Radio Free Golgotha: https://www.radiofreegolgotha.com/ Theatre Group Dzieci: http://dziecitheatre.org/ Jesse's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darknessoftheninthhour/ Cabula Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cabulamavilekitulakianjila/ The Pact Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_pact_store/ Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
It's the Halloween special! Sfinga, Salt, and B. Key dive into the world of fairytales, folklore, and dramatic plays to narrate six different stories—and reflect on each of the sorcerous lessons one can glean from them. From seafaring saints and Faustian conjurers to old witches and dragon-slaying princes, the gang giggles their way through all the memories of learning lore through stories around the autumn campfires. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
How do you determine which spirits are best suited to consult for which questions? What roles to concurrent auguries play alongside one's chosen divinatory system? How can over-divining block a result, and how can you know the answer generated by trance is the most accurate and precise one? How do we better our capacity to not only hear our spirits, but relay their messages in actionable, medicinal ways? The Dragon, Wolf, and Owl explore some of the ins and outs of fine-tuning one's divinatory outlook for more precise outcomes across the board. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
The gang reunite to discuss their favourite spells from the corpus of Coptic Magical Papyri. From contests with headless beings to rites to bring (and take away) fertility, the Dragon, Wolf, and Owl cover a wide spectrum of practical applications born of this often-neglected yet exceedingly rich collection of ancient magical technologies. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
B. Key provides an array of tips and tricks for dominating landlords—and by extension anyone in a position of financial authority over you. Whether it's propitiating the spirits of the land, fixing contractors and neighbours alike, or keeping the peace within the home, Key explores the ins and outs of how to stay safe, stay strapped, and stay secure with magic under the conditions of capitalism. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga and B. Key are joined by the incredible Albert Björn Shiell, witch, sorcerer, and student of English and Icelandic folk magical traditions. Albert goes over his experience studying oral and literary traditions of Icelandic magic, and muses on the nature of integrating into not only a new culture and language, but a foreign country's animist landscape. The gang discusses what it means to actually breathe an animist life through conscious relationality with the natural world, all while sharing a few laughs over common misconceptions of each of their traditions. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga and B. Key cover the 44 pentacles of the Key of Solomon, their construction, uses, and personal tips, tricks, and innovations they've gleaned from their experiments. The Dragon and Owl discuss at length the various ways in which the planetary pentacles can be used across the sorcerous board, as well as the magical implications of matching one's (nasty) freak. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Dear friend and discerning sorcerer Caspar, also known as De Duivelbanner van Overijssel, joins the hosts to chat all things Dutch folk magic. In addition to discussing the diversity of Dutch folk practitioners, what duivelbanners are, differences between Protestant and Catholic traditions, and types of spirits one may encounter, the gang explores the importance of situating the "folk" in "folk magic". Key also touches on a fascinating and remarkably well-preserved set of fishing and knot-tying magics inherited within his own Dutch family, prompting a heartfelt discussion on the ways living traditions are indeed lived throughout diasporas. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Salt opens the floor on the grounding elements of magical healing and sorcery in health. Exploring the logics of oral charms, Galenic medicine, and medical astrology, he leads the gang through a round table discussion of the key principles of protecting and nurturing long-term health in one's spiritual practice—through all holistic means, magical and mundane. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
B. Key brings the fire to passionately advocate for the use of magic in anti-fascist resistance. After a brief overview of some of the most critical Supreme Court cases that have eroded civil liberties in the United States, Key provides a miscellany of sorcerous workings to resist the state, evade the law, and protect our communities—especially those most vulnerable to state-enforced oppression—as well as a list of resources, organizations, and bail funds to contribute to in solidarity. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sorceress, Fairy Seer, Trollkvinne, and dear friend of the show Rose Aurora returns for a discussion about the various signs that manifest in clusters at birth, puberty, and beyond to delineate proclivities for certain kinds of magical pacts. We cover questions concerning lack of free will and choice, what does having "the gift" entail across our cultures, omens that are only recognized by those with the necessary training, nonhuman parentage, and why the most important "mark" above of all is the active choice to engage with magic itself and ambitiously pursue its abundant results. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga leads the gang through a survey of the counter-magical tactics employed by witch bottles. From Blagrave’s "Astrological Practice of Physick" all the way to Harry Middleton Hyatt's collections on hoodoo and conjure, the Dragon, Wolf, and Owl engage in some quick maths: early modern humoural theory + pins + heat + a witch's bladder = an absolutely fantastic time reversing malefica. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
After six months of continuous labour, Sfinga and B. Key at last unveil as much as can be said publicly about their profound experience pilgrimaging to the Sanctuary and Rock of the Goddess of Love's birth. Pouring their hearts out in celebration of a theophany, numerous physical manifestations of spiritual presence, remarkable omens of nature, and half a year's worth of toiling over recipes, formulas, and enchantments, the best friends celebrate love in the name of love, beauty for the sake of beauty, and the rapture of Mystery in all its unfathomable forms in yearning for companionship, mutual understanding, and sorcerous adventure. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
This week we welcome diviner, perfumer, and conjurer Austin Fuller of BanexBramble and the Southern Bramble podcast. Austin joins Sfinga and B. Key in a heartfelt and riotous discussion on perfume and spiritual colognes, from their creation under the auspices of alchemical patrons to their use in glamour, sorcery, and the activation of spirits. We also consider the ultimate offering of learning skills in service of the spirits, be they languages, crafts, or apprenticeships in entire lineages in pious dedication. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
B. Key introduces the gang to his experiments with the aptly-named Book of the Images of the Twelve Hours of the Night. Beginning with an overview of the text itself and then diving deep into the properties of each associated talismanic image, the Owl goes over his personal experiences with the spirits and their manifestations, personal applications of the hours, and much encouragement to go forth and experiment with this fascinating work. Special thanks to Mihai Vârtejaru for his excellent rendition of the text. Mihai's website: https://studies-vartejaru.blogspot.com/2021/07/the-figures-of-hours-of-night-bsgms3163.html Full PDF: https://www.esotericarchives.com/hermes/The_Book_of_the_12_Images_of_the_Hours_of_the_Night_of_Hermes_Free.pdf Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Mahigan Saint-Pierre of Kitchen Toad joins us once again to celebrate the feast of our most beloved Saint Expedite! We giggle about our formative experiences with the martyr, reminisce on baking late night pound cakes after our petitions manifested even more quickly than we'd dreamed, and ponder why Mahigan's statue of the saint looks exactly like Mark Zuckerberg. Mahi and B. Key also discuss their brand new collaborative launch, bringing everyone the victory of Today and their enemies the bitterness of Tomorrow. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sorceress, diviner, and Chinese folk magic practitioner Red Hu leads the gang through the story of Daji, the intelligent, sadistic, and supernaturally seductive fox spirit who allegedly brought about the fall of the Shang dynasty. We cover her legend from Xu Zhonglin's "The Investiture of the Gods," discuss the survival of Chinese fox cults and folk Taoist traditions in Singapore, and share plenty of laughs about all the salacious details of Daji's #girlbossing along the way. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
What lies at the heart of the concept of spiritual hygiene and what implications does it pose for sympathetic magic? Salt leads the team through an exploration of the relationship between different notions of ritual purity and spirit communion, a topic so often misconstrued with notions of morality, strict orthodoxy, and personal worth. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
This episode has a companion course module available at withcunningandcommand.com/courses. "Pure Sympathies and Natural Magic" is an hour long exposition into the practical side to hygiene, cleanliness, and natural magic, and includes over 30 simple and immediately actionable techniques relying on the principles of natural magic, as well as a PDF of all the charms sourced directly from primary texts and personal experimentation.
The gang explores the ins and outs of offering protocols, from divination to presentation to disposal. The Dragon, Wolf, and Owl dive deep in consideration of when to make them, what to give, how different actions and foods influence spirits during workings, and how to clean up and dispose of weekly treats and lavish annual feasts alike. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
B. Key leads the gang through an exploration of what to do when your magic doesn't work out the way you intend. From partial successes to outright roadblocks in materia, technique, taglocks, or spiritual sabotage, the Owl provides a thorough account of how to keep your wits sharp and your spells sharper. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Salt brings out his astrological cunning to explain the importance of planetary conditions and necessity. Explaining the underlying implications of angularity, aspects and zodiacal shares, the Wolf explores how different contexts shape condition in the astrological figure. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Astrologer, artist, author, and fellow podcaster J.M. Hamade of "starnightdwell" joins the gang for an exceptionally thoughtful conversation on the hidden djinn. From literary motifs in Qur'anic scripture, Arabic grimoires, and the One Thousand and One Nights to the trance possession rituals of Zār and Gnawa cults, J.M. provides a vivid and articulate account of the immense diversity of djinn traditions. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga explores some of the historical, anthropological, and medical scholarship on the phenomena of kitsune-tsuki: fox spirit possession or "attachment". From Meiji Period medical and religious reforms to the anxieties of socio-economic upheaval in villages, the Dragon considers culturally-negotiated categories of "madness" and trance, the politics of witchcraft accusations, and the fox spirits at the center of it all. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga and B. Key are joined by their dear friend, the impeccable sorceress, Fairy Seer, and Trollkvinne Rose Aurora. Trained in trolldom, rootwork, and a sorcerous lineage of Celtic origin, Rose brings her deep erudition and practical cunning to evaluate some of the prominent tropes about the Fair Folk. How do the Good Neighbours differ from spirits of land and nature? How are the living and the dead alike abducted into Fairyland? What are the most important taboos and misconceptions about the nature of these mercurial beings? When exactly is a changeling just a glamoured log? Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Cows that are also werewolves, trigger-happy priests who curse more than witches, and a stone bearing the ass-print of the Devil Himself—the world of French Canadian folklore is full of some of the most hilarious motifs and cantrips. Mahigan Saint-Pierre, witch and proprietor of Kitchen Toad, joins the crew for a wild ride on the wild hunt canoe of the folklore, magic, and witchcraft his home. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Ceremonial tattoo artist and practitioner of rootwork, Quimbanda, and Thai necromancy Gary Noriyuki joins the crew to discuss what it means to participate deeply and authentically in multiple spiritual lineages. From apprenticing under elders in traditional modes of study to making use of the mediumship skills which inevitably carry over, Gary demonstrates his expertise in his considerations of blending teachings, spirit-taught methodologies, and somehow carving out the time to do it all. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Salt takes us on a journey through the worship of the Wǔdàxiān in Northern China: the Fox, Weasel, Serpent, Hedgehog, and Rat Immortals of the Chumaxian tradition. Covering the history, cultural roots and influences, and trance possession rites of this rich current, Salt shares his love of the Five Great Immortals in a deeply evocative exploration into what it means to "catch the incense" of their patronage. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Some sorcerers are born with pacts, some achieve pacts, and others have pacts thrust upon them! Sfinga, Salt, and B. Key delve into personal considerations on intimate spirit alliances as more than just reciprocal agreements forged in trade, but transformative convergences of mutual oaths, duties, and license to conjure one another. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga and B. Key reflect on recent sorcerous adventures—and all the dirt, hagstones, brick dust, and herbs harvested along the way. Diving into the tips and tricks of collecting, storing, and using materia, the duo consider how to seem innocuous and invisible when gathering spicier dirt, trading with spirit merchants for greater boons, pacts which enable desired animal parts to be brought directly to you, and what to do when you can't get what you need in time for a desired election. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
The gang reunites with a vengeance to discuss what it means to test your own protection magic. Taking turns sharing stories of practical enchantment, Sfinga, Salt, and B. Key consider ways to improve upon wards, how to check that they are indeed in place, what to do when protective amulets break, verifying disturbances and intrusions, and being warned of danger ahead of time through decoys, familiars, and spiritual security systems. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sigil, servitor, egregore, god(?) - Fotamecus is everything, and we're just Ken(jurers). Sfinga and B. Key tackle the origins, magics, and memetic self-replication of the Internet's favourite time-bending spirit. From his construction as a temporal compression glyph to his current status as a godform of fluid, malleable time, the Dragon and Owl consider the divide between "constructed" and discovered spirits and share their experiences with the charming chronomancer himself. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
The gang immanentizes the eschaton in this blast from the past! B. Key returns to his magical origins and leads Sfinga down the rabbit hole of the DKMU. From its early origins on OccultForums through the present day, Key explores the history of one of the most successful chaos magical movements and traverses through the pantheon of godforms that patron it. Through it all, Key and Sfinga muse about the nature of "created" spirits and servitors, memetic art and psychic psyops, and the deeply martial underpinnings of declaring a war on consensus reality. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga leads the gang through the spiraling words and worlds of Near Eastern incantation bowls. Rife with the poetics of exorcism and courtly judgement, and populated with a cast of satans, liliths, "no-good-ones", and the gods, angels, and even rabbis who bind them, this episode considers the cunning of the Syriac and Jewish Babylonian Aramaic genres of bowl texts—and extrapolates on the sorcerous technologies to integrate from their legalistic frameworks. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
The gang follows up on Episode 6: Scrying the Spirits with a miscellany of tips and tricks for beginner and veteran readers alike, marking the second installment in the recurring series of practical insights to sorcery informed by their direct experiences. The Dragon, Wolf, and Owl chime in on the importance of not over-divining, thoughts on the limits of knowledge and communication, the role of spirit utterance and divinatory transmission, and musings on how to know you're ready to go pro. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
B. Key delights us with a tour into all things Schrat: an ambiguous and exquisitely folkloric category of spirits hailing from nature, the hearth and home, and from the devil's own collection of souls to imbue manmade creations with life alike. Traversing through German, Dutch, and Estonian folklore, Key navigates through the winding paths of the Schrat and their related keepers and allies to ask the all important question: just what does it take to be a Schratmann? Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Witches love a forked stick and a holed stone! Sfinga and B. Key explore our favourite of companions, the eggs, eyes, and spines of serpents, the wounds and sighs of the stars, the vigour and descent of the gods: hagstones. Featuring lore from the British, Germanic, and Slavic sources, this episode considers some of the general folklore on these most potent of allies, and teases much to come in future explorations. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
In a turn for the practical, Salt contextualizes the Renaissance worldview behind the sensory perception of spirits within the Western philosophical tradition, while B. Key gives us some hard-won insights into developing mediumship. The first in a (hopefully, extensive!) series on spirit perception across cultures (and scrying specifically in multiple grimoiric and folk contexts), this episode lays some casual ground work on modes of spirit contact, lacks thereof, impediments, scaffolds, and the importance of humility and patience. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga and B. Key tackle this week's episode together to examine the Official Goodest Boy, St. Guinefort. Reflecting on their shared love of canine magic, the Dragon and Owl explore the origins of St. Guinefort's veneration, his predecessors in the field of folklore studies, and the litany of saints and sorceries coalescing around the heliacal rising of Sirius. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Taking a brief intermission from our folkloric deep-dives, B. Key conjures a Pride month special on the wild and hilarious life of Tom Driberg: journalist, gossip columnist, poet, communist, Member of Parliament, possible spy, friend of Aleister Crowley, bacchanalian socialite, and gay icon. What would a necromancy of the Right Honourable Lord Bradwell, Chairman of the Labour Party look like—and what are the lessons sorcerers can glean from his aggressive pursuit of his own success? Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
The first installment in a recurring theme across the podcast: shapeshifters and witchcraft! Sfinga starts us off with a survey of some of the folklore surrounding weretigers in India, China, and Southeast Asia. People who become tigers, tigers who become people, tigers as mercurial shamans and blood-sucking witches alike, an early pandemic Joe Exotic throwback, and much more. Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Salt explores a sample of the historical roots of the connection between grimoiric conjuration and ritual exorcism. Focusing on antiquity in particular, he takes us through a journey of the relationships inherent in exorcism: hierarchies of divine beings, messenger spirits, and the coercion and supplication of spiritual powers by priests and magicians alike. The gang also shares a few personal accounts of why sometimes all you need is a phylactery!
Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Sfinga leads us through an exploration of toad witches and the toad bone rite, horse jading, East Anglian self-initiations into witchcraft, and the Society of the Horseman's Grip and Word. Key wrestles with his past Chumbley phase, Salt delights us with his accents, and Sfinga manages to bring it all back to dragons once again.
Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
Welcome to The Frightful Howls You May Hear! Join Sfinga, Salt, and B. Key of the "With Cunning and Command" blog on a journey through folklore, witchcraft, grimoires, and plenty of sorcerous experimentation. In this preview, our hosts introduce the show and give a taste of the kinds of topics to come.
Support us on patreon.com/TheFrightfulHowls and follow us at twitter.com/FrightfulHowls.
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