Episode #32: You’ve put your music out there and built a solid fan base, but you may still be missing an integral part of your team -- a person who could help bring your career to the next level. Band managers play a key role in the trajectory of an act, and by overseeing the business side of the group can allow the artist to put their energy into making music. We talk with three knowledgeable managers about what they do, what it takes to be an effective business partner and what artists can do to maximize their success. Joining us are Slim Moon, Ingrid Renan, and Louie Bandak.
Slim Moon (Kill Rock Stars, 5RC, Shotclock Management)
Ingrid Renan (Manager)
Louie Bandak (Manager)
Dear Boy “Local Roses”
Summer Cannibals “Go Home”
Witchypoo “Bad Circulation”