The Gamecasters: A Board Gaming Podcast About Board Games
We're back with Episode 77! The Riddle Game is afoot! Find the answer to the three riddles in this episode AS WELL AS the three riddles in Episode 34 of the Date Night Dice podcast to be entered to win Arch Ravels, Tobago, Unlock Mythic Adventures and the Sushi Go Date Night Box!!!!!! So much value there! And all you have to do is intake audio through your earholes for a couple hours. EZ-PZ!
We also talk about a bunch of games, Natalie takes us through an exploratory Nook topic about separating Art from the Artist, we play a new game called "To The, or not To The" and then end the show with our Top 5 Games that Sound Sexual but Really Arent!
Hope you enjoy!!!
-The Gamecasters