The Genealogy Guys celebrate their 100th podcast this week!George reports on the partnering of
Diversity Restoration Solutions,
Slave Descendants Freedom Society, and
Family Tree DNA to offer African Americans the opportunity to research their DNA.
Archive CD Books USA announces the availability of a new CD, the Digested Summary and Alphabetical List of Private Claims Which Have Been Presented to the House of Representatives, representing more than 100,000 names and claims from 1789 to 1882. The collection is on sale for $19.97 at the link above. A new start-up company,
MemoryPress, is offering a start-to-finish solution to publishing your personal or family history in a beautiful hardbound book. A new organization, Keeping Genealogical Records Open Workgroup (KGROW) has been formed to fight the closing of public records as a guise for a war against identify theft and terrorism. KGROW is a project of the
Florida Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists.Listeners' email included: one of the better places to learn more about Mexican resources --; a recommended Web site to learn about a wide array of data backup options --; and The Guys discussed organizational options for digitized materials, file naming options, and storage systems.George discussed an article published in Ancestors, the magazine of
The National Archives in the U.K., concerning "The Lost Colony" of Roanoke Island. The settlement by Sir Walter Raleigh disappeared between August 1587 and 1590. Now, there is a project under way to use DNA to possibly trace any descendants of any settlers who may have survived.Drew and George reminisced about some highlights of the first 100 episodes of the podcast, and discussed some plans for the next hundred. They thank their thousands of listeners worldwide, and express gratitude to their loyal sponsors.