We apologize for the delay in the release of this week's podcast. George suffered from laryngitis this week and was unable to record until Friday evening.The news is extensive this week.
Pharos Tutors (
http://www.pharostutors.com/) announces that George has joined their online training staff to teach U.S.-related genealogical staff. His first class begins on 30 October 2007 with the topic of U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Documents. Another new Pharos course features expert Helen Osborn training a class in the use of The National Archives (TNA) U.K. Web site, its extraordinary contents and tools, and more.Macintosh users have a new tool in MacFamilyTree 5, produced in a beta version by
Synium Software. The beta test version may be vulnerable to errors and crashes at this point. However, Mac users will revel in testing this new version of the software. Visit the Synium Software site for more information.
ScotlandsPeople has announced enhancements to searches of census forms, and improvements to images and their handling.World Vital Records, Inc. (
http://worldvitalrecords.com) and Allcensus (
http://www.allcensus.com/) have partnered to provide digitized U.S. Federal Census images at the
WorldVitalRecords.com Web site.The new issue of Internet Genealogy Magazine is out and has a wonderful collectionof new articles. Visit
http://internet-genealogy.com for more information. George's Genealogy Web Site of the Week is About.com's Genealogy area at
http://genealogy.about.com. Kimberly Powell is the knowledgeable, talented, and affable guide for that area, and she fills the site with great information and tips for breaking through those dastardly brick walls. "Brava, Kimberly!"The National Archives (TNA) in the U.K. announces the availability of 5,000 registers of Nonconformist records that may be searched online; the AncestorsOnBoard Web site is up to 1939 in the searchable outbound passenger lists project; you can now personalize, save, customize, bookmark your searches at their site. Finally, Recordkeeping magazine is a quarterly publication by TNA that describes great resources, recordkeeping strategies, and case studies. It is a fabulous online resource, in PDF format, that you absolutely must check out. You can access information about it and download the Spring 2007 issue at
http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/recordsmanagement/advice/recordkeeping.htm.The mailbag brings announcements of two new Jewish research resources from the U.K., as well as a new 3-D digital imaging resource developed by Carnegie Mellon that can be used to decipher eroded cemetery inscriptions.George provides in-depth information about scanning old family photographs in the second of a two-part discussion of digitization technology.