The week's news includes:
NARA partners with
TOPICS Entertainment to produce two filmed histories on DVD - WWII: A Filmed History and Aviation" A Filmed History from the National Archives, both 24-CD sets; has completed digitizing and indexing the British Telephone Books, 1880-1984, the full collection of the
British Telcom Archives collection; the
Florida State Genealogical Society awards it's prestigious Award for Outstanding Achievement in Florida Genealogy to Hal J. Becker; readers of Oklahoma Living magazine have voted to award the
Muskogee Public Library the best library in the state; Wholly Genes, Inc., announces its 2008 genealogy cruise with details at Guys share reader e-mail about: inexpensive headstone options, including requesting markers from the Department of Veterans Affairs at; more about DNA testing; binder organization and filing techniques; methods of locating military service numbers include: - Check county clerks' offices and post offices for registered DD-214s - Check funeral home records - Contact the
National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis - Contact the
Department of Veterans Affairs - Some states have veterans databases online, such as
Florida, and
MissouriMichigan's genealogical library facilities are touted at the
Library of Michigan and the
Archives of Michigan, as well as the Detroit Public Library's
Burton Historical Collection. George's "Web Site of the Week" is "Expert Links: English Family History and Genealogy," a massive collection of wonderful Web links at Drew's "Society Tip of the Week" addresses membership directories, benefits, issues, and publishing options.