This week's news includes: the new Midwest Genealogy Center in Independence, Missouri, opened on 21 June; has announced a new, popular, and forthcoming database titles; Synium Software ( announces the new version 5.2 of its MacFamilyTree software which includes a 3-D family tree view; ( announced that it has increased its GEDCOM file support to 15,000 individuals. Listener e-mail includes: a question about the availability of a consolidated list of all of The Guys' podcast links (not available); more comments and suggestions for George, who recently switched from a PC to a Mac; Drew discusses an article in the April 2008 edition of Smithsonian Magazine titled "
To Catch a Thief"; forensic genealogy and author Colleen Fitzpatrick; is seeking volunteer case coordinators for its "Unclaimed Persons" project.The Guys discuss the situation in which the State of California's Department of Public Health' Laboratory Field Services Office issued 13 cease-and-desist letters to biotech companies in that state performing clinical DNA testing. These are NOT related to the DNA marker tests that genealogists obtain for research purposes, and none of those testing services was included in this action. The Guys announce their
new Facebook site for fans of "The Genealogy Guys Podcast".Drew discusses Ahnentafels, also known as the Sosa-Stradonitz System, for genealogical numbering and reporting. There will be no podcast next week as The Guys will be in Burbank, California participating at the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree.