The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection
The 200th Episode!
The Guys are pleased to celebrate the 200th episode of the Genealogy Guys Podcast!
This week's news includes: Mail in your 2010 census forms; a brief discussion of the NBC series, Who Do You Think You Are?; RootsTelevision will remain in operation; library funding crises are spreading as the New Jersey State Library is threatened with a merger with Thomas Edison State College; the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County [NC] Library system's threatened 13-branch library closure announcement is mitigated by staffing and operation hours slashes; the Library of Michigan's collection will remain in one piece for now, but other changes are being discussed; a Massachusetts senate bill proposes closure to all that state's vital records created after 1841; Turner Publishing of Nashville, Tennessee, will take over all of Ancestry Publishing's brand and books, and will continue handling distribution and sales; The National Archives in the U.K. has announced that it will cease publication of its acclaimed genealogy magazine, Ancestors, and subscribers must contact the publisher, Wharncliffe Publishing, Ltd., concerning refunds.
George has been been contacted by Gary Gibb of and Chad Milner concerning some quality problems with Ancestry's recent upgrade of census images. George discusses the 1861 censuses for three Ohio counties reported by Tina, and the intense attention being taken to address problems.
Jonathan Wiltman announces GenAnswers, a new site at, a new and free genealogy question and answer community.
Meg announces that her True Lover's Knot has been published as notecards by at
This week's news includes:
Thank you, everyone, for listening and becoming part of our growing family!