George announces the new version of Heredis (v. X.2), available at the MyHeredis Web site (, and a host of new and updated databases. Drew discusses his experience with the Beta version of
Family Tree Maker 2008. He also announces the launch of the English language version of GeneaSofts (, a French site devoted to discussing and reviewing genealogy-related software programs.Responding to e-mail from a number of listeners concerning recommendations for Irish and Mexican research resources, Drew and George recommend two books by Ancestry Publishing: Finding Your Irish Ancestors: A Beginner's Guide, by David S. Ouimette, and Finding Your Mexican Ancestors: A Beginner's Guide, by George and Peggy Ryskamp They also recommend message boards at and, mailing lists at George discusses the imperative need to backup your genealogical data, and then The Guys discuss backup options, both on external hard disk drives and online sites such as Mozy ( George responds to a listener who wants to know how to effectively report missing census page images and indexing errors to for correction.Next week's show will be the 100th Podcast! Don't miss it!