The Guys are very pleased to welcome a new sponsor for the Podcast,
The news includes:
The listener email includes:
- Mike asked for advice about a family story. An ancestor, Ellen Chance, supposedly did not sail on the Titanic, but took another ship to the U.S. in August, the RMS Campania. The Guys did some research and share their results.
- Lee asked for clarification as to which Veterans Affairs location he should contact regarding a Civil War pension file that was closed after 1929. Records for ancestors and surviving spouses who received pension benefits and died in 1930 and later are likely still held by the national Veterans Affairs.
- Blaise shared a fabulous link at for seven monarchs’ missing graves.
- Paul, who lives in Germany, asks whether his English translations of German records can be copyrighted.
- Jeryl asks about Reunion 10 software.
- Rick has recently purchased both the 2nd and 3rd editions of George’s book How to Do Everything: Genealogy. He talks about his research in South Carolina and in the Clayton Genealogical Library in Houston.
Drew discusses his discovery of some delayed birth certificates at