The news includes:
- Drew has been appointed as Chair of the Family History Information Standards Organisation (FHISO).
- RootsMagic is now Share+ Certified by FamilySearch.
- Early Bird Registration for the 2013 Federation of Genealogical Societies' Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on August 21-24, 2013, ends on July 1st.
- Canada's Heritage Minister asks the Library and Archives Canada to reconsider restoration of funding to help museums preserve local history.
- The 1921 Census of Canada will be made available to researchers in the near future.
- A new season of Who Do You Think You Are? will begin on TLC (The Learning Channel) on July 23, 2013.
- The Digital Public Library of America has been launched.
- provides free access to its Irish Records Collection from June 27-30, 2013.
- has updated its Irish Petty Session Court Registers with 2.5 million new records.
- Drew tells listeners about DNA research that has identified the potato blight responsible for the Irish Potato Famine, using leaves from an herbarium.
- added 3 million baptism, marriage, and burial records from Westminster in London.
- has added 23 million records and 121 million newspaper pages from around the world.
- Drew shares information about major collections added to FamilySearch, including 5.7 million images to the New Massachusetts Land Records Collection (1620-1986).
- Moorshead Magazines has announced the publication of a new title, Tracing Your Colonial American Ancestors.
- continues to enhance its offering with the addition of Record Matching and Smart Matching tools.
- Synium Software has released MacFamilyTree 7 and MobileFamilyTree 7, with special pricing for new and existing users through July 31, 2013.
Drew reminds listeners how to subscribe to the podcasts.
Listener email includes:
- Richard provides a suggestion for how to learn to pronounce names.
George discusses meeting someone on Facebook who was able to photograph wills in the Maryland Archives of his fifth- and sixth-great grandfathers in his Alexander line.