The news includes:
- Information about the Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference and the Illinois State Genealogical Society Fall Conference.
- WikiTree has added a DNA feature.
- has released new content for the Royal Naval Division service records (1914-1920).
- has announced that it will be adding the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) to its site in coming months.
- has secured the rights to publish all of the registered wills from New South Wales from 1800 to 1952.
- Drew provides a recap of highlights in the newly released images at FamilySearch.
- RootsMagic has released an update to RootsMagic 6 that introduces Problem Alerts.
- RootsMagic has a YouTube channel at at which you will find shorter training videos. These supplement the Webinars/Online Classes at their website under the Learn tab.
- Megan Smolenyak has announced that one of The Guys' Down Under: Florida video episodes, about the Flying Zacchinis, has been re-released and is available at
- has released many more older records at its website.
- Saving Memories Forever has announced a strategic partnership with the Association of Personal Photo Organizers (APPO).
The mail includes:
- Susan asks if The Guys' new book, Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques, will be available in digital form. It is now posted at and Barnes & Noble in electronic formats and those will be available when it is released in September. Preordering is already available.
- Melody asks for guidance on how to download the podcast from our website.
- Stephanie has a question about Polish Armed Forces records for those persons who escaped Poland after Hitler's invasion in 1939 and who fought with the Allies. George cites a good Wikipedia article titled "Polish Armed Forces in the West" at
- Lisa asked about the Facebook group that deals with organization. Drew points her to "The Organized Genealogist" group at
- Connie asks about SSDI records at that add place of death from the "Last Benefits" field of the online records.
- Elaine asks questions about how and where we store our digital photos and about how we share those photos with others.
- Elizabeth LaPointe has developed an e-booklet titled The 1921 Canada Census User Guide that will be available when that census is publicly released. Its price is $5.95 CDN and copies can be reserved by sending an email to [email protected] and including "1921 Census" in the subject heading.
- Jenny has a question about linking Family Tree Maker trees at
- Mary asks about the expression "first generation American."
- Noi has some questions about locating a German place name for Noi's great-great-grandfather.
- Steve asks about how to locate information about his grandfather who he thinks was a census enumerator in Chicago for the 1940 U.S. federal census.
Drew also discusses the Family History Information Standards Organisation.