The Guys celebrate the publication of their 400th episode (of the two podcasts taken together)!
George’s first article in The In-Depth Genealogist magazine ( has just been published. He will be writing a column called Genealogy, by George in every issue. Podcast listeners can get a $10 discount on a subscription using the coupon code GUYS+IDGmag at
Family Tree Magazine has published an e-book compilation of George’s popular Document Detective column at
The news includes:
- MyHeritage has become a Presenting Partner with Eurovision for its 2019 Eurovision Song Contest.
- RootsTech 2019 registration has opened for the annual Salt Lake City conference on February 27-March 2, 2019
- Church of Ireland records will be digitized with the award of a €100,000 government grant.
- 200 million records for the Netherlands are now accessible at the multi-lingual website Open Archives –
- Fans of Nathan Dylan Goodwin can preorder his new book, Ghost Swifts, Blue Poppies and the Red Star, in Kindle version at all Amazon websites.
- The Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed) has announced the opening of the Richard E. Lackey Scholarship to support attendance at Gen-Fed 2019. Details and application are available at
- Findmypast has released new records for Welsh Parish Records, Kent Parish Records, Northumberland and Durham Burials, Middlesex Baptisms, the 939 Register, and more.
- Drew summarizes the new and updated collections at FamilySearch.
Listener email includes:
- Jean writes about a Long Island library conference and the inclusion of The Guys’ books as recommended buys.
- Ed writes about a cousin who is beginning her search for birth parents.
- Brad asks for advice on getting started on preparations for his family’s upcoming 300th anniversary, including recommendations for what software or websites to use to collaborate with relatives.
- Robin is looking for a free GEDCOM viewer.
- Kelly follows up on her earlier email about mega-trees.
- Nikki poses questions about:
- Mega-trees
- Ancestors in psychiatric hospitals and suicides
- What to expect at a local genealogical society meeting
- Resources for researching slave ancestors
- What kind of education might be pursued so she can help others with their genealogy
- Richard asks Drew for more information about researching manuscript collections.
Drew discusses GEDmatch, a tool for extending your research reach with your autosomal DNA test results and matching others who have tested.