The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection
The Genealogy Guys have invested in new microphones and cables to improve the sound quality of the podcast. They discuss the new equipment and thank our Patreon supporters for supporting us in this investment. Bear with us as we learn to use the new mikes!
News You Can Use and Share
Cyndi Says
Cyndi Ingle reminds us to remember the beginners.
Our Listeners Talk to Us
Tell us about how your society is meeting virtually/online, the tools you’re using, the positive things, and any negative things. This will help other societies connect their members.
The Genealogy Squad
The Genealogy Squad just celebrated its one-year anniversary with more than 33.5K members!
Welcome Cari Taplin, CG, as a new Administrator of The Genealogy Squad, along with George G. Morgan, Drew Smith, and Cyndi Ingle. We have moderators in England and Australia to help answer your questions and direct you to resources. And our members help one another in a friendly environment.
Thank you again to our Patreon supporters! You can support us at You can also tell your friends or your society about our free podcasts, our blog, and our Genealogy Guys Learn subscription education website.
Send us email at [email protected].