The Genealogy Guys Podcast & Genealogy Connection
The Guys announce the winner of the drawing for the Irish quicksheets by Donna M. Moughty as Richard A. Yehle of Sacramento. Look for the next drawing in the coming year.
The Genealogy Guys Learn subscription educational site is on sale through 11:59 PM EST on 1 January 2022. Get an annual subscription for $69.00 – 30% off the regular price of $99.00 by using coupon code HOLIDAY2021. We have more than 40 videos and 20 written courses, with new content added each month! Enroll at Genealogy Guys Learn at before this sale is over!
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Book Review
The Guys review Nathan Dylan Goodwin’s latest Morton Farrier, Forensic Genealogist, mystery titled The Foundlings. He weaves a masterful tale about researching several infants born out of wedlock who were abandoned. The Guys think this is another excellent book from a talented author.
Tech Review
The Guys have each acquired a great new tool, the reMarkable 2. It is an ultra-thin tablet for taking notes, drawing, converting handwritten notes to text, saving them as PDFs to the cloud, organizing notes and documents, emailing notes, downloading PDFs and webpages, note-taking on PDFs, and even reading eBooks. (It isn’t a web browser.) The writing surface is almost identical in feel to writing on paper, and there are loads of templates for almost any type of note-taking or project you can imagine. The reMarkable 2 is a great tool to help you stay focused, and The Guys talk about how they are using theirs. Learn more at
George talks about how he is continually working on his personal genealogy using MyHeritage, RootsMagic 8, and other tools. Drew talks about how he has been working on cleaning up his places in RootsMagic 8. The Guys also talk about their work on the Zion Cemetery Project.
Don’t forget to take advantage of the Genealogy Guys Learn sale!
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