News You Can Use and Share!
- MyHeritage added 1.2 billion historical records in January.
- MyHeritage released Ethnicity Estimate v2.5, the long-awaited ethnicity model, including 79 different ethnicities
Listener Email
- Tom asks if there are reference materials for using AI in genealogical and historical research. (Not YouTube)
- Pam is searching for immigration and naturalization records for a couple who arrived ca. 1893 and wants to know if other resources are available to help locate those records. George recommends the Stephen P. Morse One-Step pages at for U.S. ships’ passenger lists and the Library and Archives Canada website at and look for the collection of Immigration Records at
- Tom is seeking ships’ passenger lists for ancestors who came to the U.S. or Canada in 1879-1880. George suggests the same records he recommends to Pam above.
- Jean Daniel in France provides us a fascinating update on his research into his 4x grandfather, Blaise Farny.
- Anne wrote to follow up on research into Calvin and Rhoda Reed. She discusses Cayuga County, New York, and places that she has used for different records resources.
- Tom discusses his research into the USS Trigger He has been using AI tools, including ChatGPT (, Perplexity (, and Claude AI (ttps://
Drew will be presenting at RootsTech 2025 in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 6-8 March. Registration for RootsTech is open for on-site attendance and virtual sessions. Visit for details.
Please let us hear from you at [email protected] with your questions and comments.