The Girly Homesteader Podcast: NOT the Typical Homestead Show (Gardening/Seasonal Living/Chickens)
On today's episode, I am sharing my favorite things from the month of April. This episode goes quite in depth into my wavy hair routine, complete with a new styling product and a new finishing hairspray I love:
No Nothing Fragrance Free Aerosol Hairspray
I also talk about a couple gardening related items, a specific variety of spinach, and a soil additive that helps with transplanting, specifically when going from hydroponic to soil.
Organic Rev (use code GIRLY to get 5% off)
And I talk about some skincare items, specifically the ingredient mandelic acid.
Almond Clear Mandelic Acid Serum
Beautycounter Body Peel (that I safely use on my face)
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