We're delighted to be joined by Max Halley today, one of the greatest characters you could ever wish to meet and a man who changed the face of sandwiches globally! When he opened 'Max's Sandwich Shop' in 2014 it quickly became a place of legend and had customers flying from all over the world to try his legendary creations. Max's sandwiches have been on the cover of
Shortlist and the front page of
The Observer and his documentaries for vice have millions of views. His first cookbook,
Max's Sandwich Book, which he co-wrote with our very own Ben Benton was a
Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller and they're about to release their 3rd book 'Max's World of Sandwiches' which you can pre-order below! This was such a fun episode to record, so sit back, relax and enjoy the madness.
Pre-Order here -