If you’ve ever considered creating your own online course but are overwhelmed with the steps to begin, this conversation will show you that starting small can be a lot less work and be the perfect way to get started!
Amy Porterfield is the brilliant mind behind Digital Course Academy, a program designed to help entrepreneurs turn their knowledge into profitable online courses. Visit http://jennaplusamy.com to save your seat for her LIVE training called: Your Low-Stress, Start-To-Finish Digital Course Launch In 5 Streamlined Steps!
In this episode, we dive into why this seemingly modest step is actually a game-changer for new course creators, how to prepare for your first workshop, and how this approach can set the stage for creating more extensive and successful courses in the future.
And don’t forget to sign up for her entirely FREE training where she shares her course creation and launching playbook at http://jennaplusamy.com. You do not want to miss this! Years ago I attended one of Amy’s free trainings and my life has never been the same since. Save your seat for Amy’s Masterclass Experience at http://jennaplusamy.com!
Now press play and get ready to be inspired and equipped with practical tips to turn your ideas into reality!
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