Our Guests
In this episode we welcome returning guests Evan Franke and J-M DeFoggi (who had to leave early because of Imperial Administration requirements). You would of course know Evan and J-M from our previous episodes with them: Chaos Rises! (episode 26 about 13th Age Glorantha) and Jackals and Ancient Worldbuilding (episode 19 about J-M’s Bronze Age fantasy adventure game, Jackals !)
Our guests are also found in these fine places:
As we release this episode, Evan’s Red Moon and Warring Kingdoms is officially out! Go grab it now, it’s FREE!
Show Notes
Things we mention during this episode, in vague chronological order, include:
Shadows of Esteren
The Arms of Nargash-Tor (for Palladium Fantasy )
The Cults of RuneQuest books and, of course, The Lunar Way in particular
As always, we mention the usual Gloranthan sources:
Our episodes on Furthest and Imther , and their corresponding books:
Are you using The Lunar Way mostly for PCs or NPCs?
Themes of a Lunar scenario or campaign
Citizens of the Lunar Empire
Xena: Warrior Princess featuring many Greek gods
The Red Goddess as a guest star in your campaign
Glorantha, where everybody’s an Illuminated asshole, and nobody’s the good guy
The Empire’s trading, culture, politics, etc.
Star Wars
Glorantha as a Manichean settings vs a nuanced setting
The problem of the “simple” settings of our youth becoming more nuanced as we grow older
RIFTS and the Coalition States
The X-Men, Magneto, and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Memorable Lunar villains
The morality of the Lunar Empire
The Lunar Empire as a pretty great place to live in, actually
There’s no fairness and civil rights in the Bronze Age
The Lunar Empire as the Roman Empire
The human flaws and administrative weight of the Lunar Empire
The Crimson Bat was self-defence!
Struggling to show the Lunar Empire as a nuanced faction
Using the USA as a model for the Lunar Empire
The editorial history of the Lunars in RuneQuest publications
White Bear & Red Moon
Harrek the Berserk is “not a great guy!”
Beatpot Aelrwin
Argrath is up to no good, meddling with stuff he shouldn’t
Evan is available for rent as a guest Argrath
Black Spear , and Nick Brooke’s take on Argrath
Alexander The Great
Griffin Mountain and Strangers in Prax
Our favourite cults in the Lunar Way
The Seven Mothers as the “Justice League cult”
The awesomeness of the Crimson Bat cult
The Nysalor/Gbaji chapter and its fourth-wall breaking aside
Crimson Bat feeders publishing city rankings for their “visits”
The demonic cult of Yara Aranis, which is pretty much as bad as the Tusk Riders
Maran Gor is bad too!
Sheng Seleris, the Gloranthan Ghengis Khan
The Carmanian Empire roughly explained
Lunar Magic, and how to use it in play
Getting the Glowline to fail, so you can land your Stormtroopers and AT-ATs
Ghost heist at the Lunar Temple!
Harry Potter and the Lunar College of Magic
Questworlds and 13th Age Glorantha as alternate game systems for certain campaigns
The fine points of Lunar phases
There are no physics in Glorantha
Dragon Pass is a distraction for the Lunar Empire, which is mostly worried about the Pentans
Dart Competitions as a Jason Bourne spy-thriller
The intro music is “The Warbird ” by Try-Tachion. Other music includes “Cinder and Smoke ” and “Skyspeak “, along with audio from the FreeSound library.