Glorantha Initiation: Amber and Christian, Wolves, Book Problems, and Actual Play
93 min •
3 juni 2024
Our guests for this new episode of the Glorantha Initiation series are Christian and Amber, from DMs After Dark! We chatted with them back in… (checks notes) November 2023! How time flies… you can find DMs After Dark in many places around the internet, including:
Luring Amber with promises of playing a werewolf (Telmori)
Using Chalana Arroy for luring in the cleric-loving player, and shamans for the player who likes weird characters
Animism, the Spirit World, and other gameplay elements that are fairly unique to Glorantha
Starting with the Starter Set, then going to the Sourcebook
Pacing actual play games, making it feel like sitting at an actual table
RuneQuest grognards coming to help with the rules
Christian has a “book problem”… Ludo can relate
Using Six Seasons in Sartar as a way to start small and get all the PCs together
Collaborative storytelling and world-building
Reconciling player-created lore with “canon” lore
Being mindful of players and the audience when preparing storylines, especially cult initiations leading into mythologies like the Unholy Trio, the Sex Pit, etc.
Amber acting as a GM assistant, especially in the early stages of preparation