The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel
The next sequel we will be discussing is "Class of 1999". For it, I chatted with SFX Master Eric Allard. Eric talked about the journey to 1st credit, but this one had a stop over becoming a green beret! Then from there, he got a job working at the mill at Universal, he asked for his shot to work in SFX, and the rest is history. We talked Short Circuit and working on Johnny 5, cool camera tricks he did on F/X 2, working with Eastwood on Sudden Impact, The Energizer Bunny ads, his Oscar nomination, and more. Listen/Watch at or search "The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel" in your favorite podcast app. Eric's Website Eric's IMDb Your homework is to watch "Class of 1999" which free on Tubi! Follow us on all social media @sequelsonly and our website is Review, rate, and share us with your friends, enemies, neighbors, exes, and even that annoying supermarket clerk!