This week we are dipping our toes into the Terminator franchise and starting with the fifth installment, Terminator Genisys. This sequel had us racking our brains over the time traveling and the issues we thought were happening (we aren't time travel experts). We discussed the weird obsession with the Genisys operating system, the amazing SFX, the T-800 applying for jobs, the civilian casualties, not enough JK Simmons, and more.
Watch the unedited review at
The next sequel discussed is "Mortal Kombat Annihilation", which is on the Mount Rushmore of sequels that went wrong, but I bet we will find a lot that went right. This movie had a former guest Brian Thompson and next week's guest Marjean Holden. Marjean plays Sheeva in the film and discusses the lengthy audition process and why her fight scene got cut. We talked about her journey from being a P.A. on a movie while going to Arizona State to being in movies in less than a year, how she became a stuntwoman, her new passion to direct, modeling, and more. Great chat!
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