The EU and the African continent share interests and concerns: a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery, the green transition and the access to energy, the digital transformation, human development, peace and good governance or even migration and mobility. That’s why a frank and ongoing dialogue between civil society stakeholders from both sides is so important. In this episode of The Grassroots View, we have invited some of their representatives to tell us their stories.
Dimitris Dimitriadis, President of the external relations section of the EESC, explains how the Committee maintains close relations with its African counterparts and how it helps promoting European values to the world. He also talks about the growing influence of China and Russia on the African continent, and how important it is that the EU doesn't lose its presence there.
Ben Fox, Editor at EURACTIV and Africa Confidential, helps us understanding the state of civil society across Africa. He also explains how the EU can compete with other players and where its added value is.
Rose Omamo represents the metal workers in Kenya, and is the first woman to lead the union in its history. She describes how Kenyan civil society acts as the watchdog to the government and what the opportunities are for both sides of a collaboration with the European civil society.