The prophet Isaiah spoke about something miraculous and profound hundreds of years before it happened. The miracle of Christ being born to a virgin had never been heard of before by anyone. Yet, it happened! His name is Emmanuel. It means “God with us.” His presence with us is the greatest miracle of all. It brings blessings, healing, joy, and celebration.
In this encouraging Christmas miracle message, Pastor Gregory Dickow unpacks the miraculous gifts of God’s presence. He gives a revelation of how powerful His presence truly is. God is our Author and turns the challenging chapters of our life into new chapters of victory. Now we can carry Him as ambassadors of reconciliation to the world because of all the great things He has done.
This empowering message will give you hope to endure difficult times. If you want to be secure, confident, and at peace, knowing He will never leave or forsake you, this message is for you!
Enjoy this Christmas Morning message from Gregory Dickow at Life Changers Church on Christmas day.
Christmas Morning Miracle Service
Sunday, December 25, 2022
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