Day 30 | Fasting from, "What's Wrong With Me". The constant awareness of our “falling short” is where the devil and religion want to keep us. This keeps us defeated and hemmed in by shame, rather than liberated through our divine nature. You have been MADE the righteousness of God and, therefore, you don’t have to live in shame another day in your life.
0:15 | When you see yourself correctly, the devil can’t mess with you
1:11 | What it really means to "study to show yourself approved"
2:37 | Bad decisions flow from not seeing yourself the way God sees you
4:20 | A 5min rant on how valuable you really are!
8:36 | Righteousness = God’s Approval
11:13 | Who you are in christ > who you are on this earth
11:55 | God doesn’t mark you by your mistakes
12:57 | You were God’s idea. Made with love and made by love.
13:40 | What you are and what’s inside of you
If you want to join me on this 40-day journey to change from the inside out, visit