Through social media and technology, we can connect with the entire world. Yet why do we feel so alone, isolated, and disconnected from true peace, power, and purpose? The answer is our depth of connection. In his latest episode, Pastor Gregory Dickow unpacks what makes the soul of a champion. He explains how to listen and connect to the right source, the power and benefits of good decisions, and the contagious culture it takes to win in adversity and conquer what's in front of you. He also explores the one loving question to answer, the soul kitchen, and how to face giants and slay dragons. These biblical principles will unlock the power of inner health. They will empower you to name your struggles, activate the prayer of righteousness, and start identifying with who you are in Christ. As you do, you will grow into maturity as a leader, culture carrier, and a vital part of the champion community God has created you to be!