I am excited to welcome our first guest, Breanne Kerr from Wildwynd Equine. In this episode, she shares her journey in developing her skills as an animal communicator, an important aspect of her role as an animal guardian. Breanne reflects on how this journey has affected both her and her animals, the personal challenges she has encountered along the way, and shares some incredible stories with us.
Breanne is a Horse Medicine Leadership Facilitator, Equine Intuitive Bodyworker, Craniosacral Therapist, and Child and Youth Care Practitioner. She dove into to world of animal communication about ten years ago, and it has heavily influenced who she has become today. She is a steward to two horses, three cats, and a dog who are all her coaches in this journey called life. She is an intuitive, connected to the metaphysical, and loves to work in the energetic world.
Connect with Breanne Kerr:
Website: www.wildwyndequine.com
Instagram @wildwyndequine
Connect with Brittany Ashworth:
Website: www.sacredechos.com
Instagram @sacredechos