Andrés Manuel López Obrador, referred to hereafter as AMLO, has been President of Mexico since 2018. AMLO's redistributive, pro-development populism has proven highly attractive in a country which seems perennially stuck between the rich world and the poor one, with the President promising to instigate the Fourth Great Transformation in Mexican history.
How has that gone? Underwhelmingly might capture it. Mexico today is not a disaster society by any means, but AMLO hasn’t really vanquished the idea that Mexicans remain in between the rich world and the poor world at all. Whilst hardworking, there is a great naivety about AMLO’s policies which perhaps brings his judgement into question. He also retains a highly simplistic view of how democracy works; namely that if he doesn’t get his way, he tries to blow the system up.
My guest for this conversation is Chris Sabatini. Chris is a Senior Research Fellow for Latin America at Chatham House in London. Chris has recently finished editing a new book, Reclaiming Human Rights in a Changing World Order. As well as AMLO, Chris and I discussed the Drug War, and US attitudes towards Mexico and the rest of Latin America. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to introduce Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.