Heartland POD on Twitter - @TheHeartlandPOD
Adam Sommer @Adam_Sommer85 (Twitter) @adam_sommer85 (Post)
Rachel Parker @msraitchetp (Post)
Sean Diller @SeanDillerCO (Post)
“Change The Conversation”
- 2023 - The Year of the “Self Own” (10)
- Elon: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/musk-fair-trial-california-texas-96289154
- McCarthy (idiot)
- Big Tech (over hiring during the pandemic because they really thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives glued to our screens)
- Zuck and the Metaverse is more like a meta-fail
- SBF’s stupidly posing for the cameras; the utterly avoidable Coinbase fine; no one told these people to break the fucking existing laws
- Trumpism: No one is paying attention to the slow leak in the tire, least of all him
- #MOLEG 2023 has begun but 2024 is already heating up (8)
- Prefiling topics likely to come up - often leftovers from last cycle
- https://www.newstribune.com/news/2022/dec/04/local-lawmakers-pre-file-priority-legislation/
- https://themissouritimes.com/what-is-senate-pre-filing-the-ins-and-outs-of-the-legislative-process/
- Combined About 725 pieces of legislation were prefiled
- Nice breakdown from Missouri Bar website with updates
- https://news.mobar.org/legislative-update-bill-pre-filing-begins-for-2023-legislative-session/
- https://news.mobar.org/legislative-update-102nd-general-assembly-convenes/
- Bring back Presidential primary, which was changed
- Some bills about the court system which are mostly process oriented
- Bill on expanding efforts in support of veterans care, particularly help with care for suicidal vets
- Increase fentanyl penalties
- Allow more mobile and in home services for cosmetologists - surprisingly strict rules on that stuff
- Ag tax credits that was vetoed last year
- Make juvenile murder sentences longer
- Lower unemployment based on the unemployment rates
- Expanding broadband access
- Allow for licenses counselors in members states to work in MO
- Exempt child care facilities from property and real estate taxes
- https://missouriindependent.com/briefs/stephen-webber-launches-campaign-for-missouri-senate-seat-in-boone-county/
- Sen. Cindy O’laughlin, who previously blew off an interview with the HP now is GOP state senate majority leader
- https://missouriindependent.com/2023/01/09/she-doesnt-have-a-tribe-cindy-olaughlins-new-role-tests-ability-to-bridge-factions/
- Special Grand Jury in Georgia has concluded (8)
- Typically when a grand jury functions it can issue an indictment - in Georgia the rules are different so the GJ just issues a report with findings, think of it like the Mueller report as its function simply gives the information to the prosecutor for action
- https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/09/politics/fulton-county-grand-jury-trump-election/index.html
- https://www.axios.com/2023/01/09/grand-jury-trump-fulton
- Hearing on Jan 24th for lawyers and news outlets to argue whether the report should be kept secret or released
- A court filing says that the grand jury voted to recommend that its report be published.
Host: Adam Sommer
Find Adam on tik-tok and bluesky as "midmapdadenergy" - follow The Process on instagram.
“Change The Conversation”
Outro Song: “The World Is On Fire” by American Aquarium
Nothing on this channel is to be taken as legal advice for any jurisdiction. All statements are opinions that reflect on that of the speaker and the purpose of the show is to provide space for discussion that may include statements or opinions shared only for the purpose of discussion.