When hifi speaker makers offer more than one "flavor" of speaker, it's typically to satisfy both audiophiles who seek more resolution, and those who want a more "fun" speaker. This is a wise move, as neither camp is likely to be swayed by a middle-of-the-road compromise.
One of the joys about the audiophile hobby is that you don't have to compromise your desired path. What sounds good to you IS good for you. It's because of this that we see so many approaches to the same objective in hifi audio.
This freedom and variety means that many people are chasing many different sounds. And when it comes to the topic of system resolution, this is an area where we see people differ more than others.
"Resolution is a double-edged sword" means that with it, you can reach new heights. But you're also presented new challenges. In this episode of The Hifi Podcast, the guys talk about what resolution means, and how to find your resolution "sweet spot."
Just for fun, this episode was done in backwards show order. Enjoy.
This podcast is powered by CommonGround Cables Whisper power cable. Read customer reviews and order your own at www.commongroundcables.com.
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