The Hifi Podcast with Darren and Duncan
You're moving to a new house, and the dreaded system setup is on the horizon. You bought a new piece of gear that's supposed to wipe the floor with what you've currently got, but right out of the box, the opposite seems to be the case.
Moving speakers inch by inch for hours and feeling like you're getting nowhere is an unfortunate part of the hifi audio hobby, whether we like it or not. The complete sonic change of character of new gear as it settles in can neither be measured or easily explained.
Why do we do this again? In this episode of The Hifi Podcast, Darren and Duncan explore the more frustrating side of being an audiophile, and share experiences and knowledge gained from going through this time and time again.
When it comes to component break-in, Darren's perspective as a hifi audio manufacturer design engineer offers clarification and even proof of the mystical transformation capacitors, resistors and active components go through as they begin their (hopefully) long life of music playback.
Whatever your experiences, this episode is a fun trip into the audiophile's mind. Be sure to stick around to the end, where a listener goes into more detail about a little-known genre called "Deep House," and the album of the week is revealed -- this one from a 14-year-old Croatian musical prodigy.
This podcast is powered by CommonGround Cables Whisper power cable. Read customer reviews and order your own at
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