The High Tech Low Life Podcast: A Cyberpunk Media Retrospective
In a dystopian future, private prison corporations merge with high tech virtual reality companies to form the ultimate in for-profit incarceration. One man takes pity on the poor condemned inmates, and by combining his love of VR video games and his knowledge of history, will take on these corrupt powers, from inside the machine. Sounds pretty cool when you write it out huh? Unfortunately that's where the coolness ends. Cyber Vengeance is a terrible straight-to-video movie from the 90's that we dug up and are here to review for the good of all mankind.
The High Tech Low Life Podcast is a retrospective of cyberpunk fiction across all forms of media. Film, Television, Literature, Games, and Music are all on the table. In each episode we will revisit the property, it's influences, it's prescience, and enshrine it in the chrome and neon halls of Neo Valhalla.
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