The High Tech Low Life Podcast: A Cyberpunk Media Retrospective
Through all the minutes of all the episodes of the Johnny Mnminute podcast, not one of them is actually dedicated to the source material that the movie was based on. We rectify that situation this week with our in-depth recap of the original Johnny Mnemonic short fiction from the Burning Chrome anthology. See the origin story of your buddies Johnny, Molly/Jane, Ralfi, Lewis (who?), Dog (wtf?), and the rest! Ascend with us through Nighttown and we'll see you on the killing floor.
The High Tech Low Life Podcast is a retrospective of cyberpunk fiction across all forms of media. Film, Television, Literature, Games, and Music are all on the table. In each episode we will revisit the property, it's influences, it's prescience, and enshrine it in the chrome and neon halls of Neo Valhalla.
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