The High Tech Low Life Podcast: A Cyberpunk Media Retrospective
This week we dive into the 1995's version of 1999 in the movie Strange Days directed by Kathryn Bigelow. The movie follows an ex-cop turned memory-dealer, Lenny, who is sucked into a murder cover-up when a friend gives him the recording of a high-profile black musician being executed by a cop. Lenny attempts to get to the bottom of the situation while dealing with his own demons, all while the city of L.A. is a powder keg of racial tension and end-of-the-millennium fervor. Unfortunately still relevant 28 years later.
The High Tech Low Life Podcast is a retrospective of cyberpunk fiction across all forms of media. Film, Television, Literature, Games, and Music are all on the table. In each episode we will revisit the property, it's influences, it's prescience, and enshrine it in the chrome and neon halls of Neo Valhalla.
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