The High Tech Low Life Podcast: A Cyberpunk Media Retrospective
The HTLL main feed remains on summer break, but so as not to leave our listeners completely high and dry, here is a taste of the many delights that await you on our Patreon. This is our initial discovery and reaction to the film Cyber Vengeance, it is candid and relatively unedited, so if you aint into that, then feel free to take a pass on this one. If, however, you want to witness the horrors unfold, then listen-on!
The High Tech Low Life Podcast is a retrospective of cyberpunk fiction across all forms of media. Film, Television, Literature, Games, and Music are all on the table. In each episode we will revisit the property, it's influences, it's prescience, and enshrine it in the chrome and neon halls of Neo Valhalla.
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