The battle of Hlobane was the third (& final) defeat the British suffered during the Zulu War in 1879.
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Over 90 white and 100 African troops were killed in a defeat that could have ended in complete disaster.
Once more the Zulus proved they were worthy adversaries.
Having said that, the battle of Hlobane was a disaster of the British own making.
Poor scouting by the commander, Sir Evelyn Wood, meant that Colonel Redvers Buller was effectively attacking the Zulus mountain stronghold blind.
That poor scouting also failed to spot a Zulu army numbering over 20,000 approaching the British.
In many respects, the defeat could have been a lot worse.
5 Victoria Crosses were awarded for acts of bravery during a terryfinig restreat off the mountain down a 150 foot steep rock face.
The battle of hlobane was the third victory for the Zulus in this war.
It was also to be their last.