In today's episode Paul & Ritchie discuss Roman Emperor Commodus, successor and son of Marcus Aurelius - Rome's last Good Emperor. However, unlike his father, Commodus was not a wise or just ruler. Instead, he was known for his extravagant and erratic behavior, which quickly led to the decline of the Roman Empire. During his reign, Commodus became increasingly obsessed with his own power and grandeur. He saw himself as a god-like figure that was cruel and capricious - demanding to be worshipped, indulging in lavish spending, and executing any and all who he saw as a threat. Under Commodus' leadership, the Roman Empire suffered greatly. The economy faltered, crime rates soared, and the military suffered significant losses - triggering the end for the once-great empire. Join us as we discuss Commodus, his leadership, the Empire he inherited and the beginning of it's downfall.