129 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Månadsvis
The History of Ancient Greece Podcast is a deep-dive into one of the most influential and fundamental civilization in world history. Hosted by philhellene Ryan Stitt, THOAG spans over two millennia. From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Period, from Classical Greece to the Hellenistic kingdoms, and finally to the Roman conquest, this podcast will tell the history of a fundamental civilization by bringing to life the fascinating stories of all the ancient sources and scholarly interpretations of the archaeological evidence. And we won’t just detail their military and political history, but their society, how the Greeks lived day-to-day, as well as their culture—their art, architecture, philosophy, literature, religion, science, and all the other incredible aspects of the Greek achievement , while situating the Greeks within a multicultural Mediterranean whose peoples influenced and were influenced by one another.
The podcast The History of Ancient Greece is created by Ryan Stitt. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode, we discuss the first three years of the Korinthian War from 395-393 BC
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2024/09/112-korinthian-war.html
In this episode, we discuss Spartan imperial policy at home and abroad in the aftermath of the Peloponnesian War at Sparta from 404-396 BC, including their war with Elis, the imperial ambitions of Lysander and the ascension of Agesilaos, Kinadon's foiled socio-political revolution, and Sparta's invasion of Persia to "free" the Eastern Greeks
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2024/02/111-spartan-hegemony.html
In this episode, we discuss the life, influences, drawbacks, and positives of the Athenian military leader, philosopher, and historian--Xenophon (ca. 430-354 BC)--who was one of Sokrates' more famous pupils; and the post-Peloponnesian war Panhellenic campaign into the heart of the Persian Empire that he made famous through his writings (the Anabasis)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2023/01/110-xenophon-and-ten-thousand.html
In this episode, we discuss the life and death of Sokrates (ca. 470-399 BC), who is widely considered to be the father of western philosophy, with in-depth overviews of Aristophanes' Clouds and Plato's dialogue Euphyro, Apologia, Krito, and Phaido.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2022/03/109-sokrates.html
In this episode, we discuss the aftermath of the Peloponnesian War at Athens, including the reign of the Thirty Tyrants, the Athenian civil war, and the restoration of the democracy
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2021/10/108-thirty-tyrants.html
In this episode, we discuss the final two years of the Peloponnesian War (405-404 BC), including the comedic play "The Frogs" by Aristophanes; Lysander's elevation to Persian satrap, his rebuilding of the Peloponnesian fleet, his tactical moves in the Hellespont, and his crushing victory over the Athenians at Aegospotami; the besiegement and blockade of Athens; and the Athenians' surrender and the terms of the peace treaty
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2021/04/107-sparta-triumphant.html
In this episode, we discuss the years 409-406 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the Athenians’ achieving control in the Hellespont and Bosporus, Alcibiades’ triumphant return to Athens, the ascension of Lysander and his bromance with Cyrus, the Athenian defeat at Notium and the disgrace of Alcibiades, Kallikratidas victory over Konon at Mytilene, and the subsequent Battle of Arginusae with its disastrous consequences for the Athenians.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/10/106-frustrations-and-poor-decisions.html
In today's special guest episode, I am joined by Dr Curtis Dozier, Assistant Professor of Greek and Roman Studies at Vassar College. He is the producer and host of The Mirror of Antiquity, a podcast featuring classical scholars discussing the intersections of their research, the contemporary world, and their own lives. More importantly to our discussion, He is also the director of Pharos: Doing Justice to the Classics, a website devoted to documenting and responding to appropriations of ancient Greece and Rome by hate groups online. We discuss some of the reasons how, as well as why, White Supremacists have taken to coopting Classical imagery to support their twisted world views.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/10/special-guest-episode-on-classics-and.html
In today's special guest episode, I am joined by Dr Denise Eileen McCoskey, Professor of Classics and affiliate of Black World Studies at Miami (OH) University. She has written extensively on the politics of race and gender in antiquity and is currently at work on a project examining the role of eugenics in early twentieth-century classical scholarship. In 2012, she published her book Race: Antiquity & Its Legacy, which will be the topic of today’s conversation. It accounts for the various ways in which ancient cultures thought about race (including race as social practice and racial representations). We also dig into the "Black Athena" controversy a bit and why the field of Classics handled it so poorly.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/09/special-guest-episode-on-race-antiquity.html
In this episode, we discuss the Second Greco-Punic War (410-406 BC), as hostilities in Sicily draw in Carthage and the Syracusan fleet away from the eastern Aegean and the Hellespont, including Hannibal Mago's first invasion of Sicily and the destruction of Selinus and Himera, the rebellion of Hermocrates, the rise of Dionysius as tyrant of Syracuse, Hannibal Mago's second invasion of Sicily and his destruction of Akragas, and the ceasefire which would see Carthage and Syracuse as the two strongest powers on Sicily
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/08/105-carthage-enters-war.html
Introduction by Alex Goodman of Antiquity in Question
Website: https://anchor.fm/alexandergoodman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AIQpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AIQpodcast
In this episode, we discuss the years 411-410 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the shifting of the naval war to the Hellespont, the vigor that the Athenian democracy showed in carrying on the war effort against Sparta and Pharnabazos with victories at Cynossema and Cyzicus, the re-establishment of the radical democracy at Athens, and the transition from the historical account of Thucydides into that of Xenophon's Hellenica.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/08/104-athenian-empire-strikes-back.html
Intro by Megan Lewis of Digital Hammurabi
Website: https://www.digitalhammurabi.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBQo27DbqeB-xG17-kekrdQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digitalhammurabi/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/digi_hammurabi
In this episode, we discuss the years 411-410 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the third and final treaty between the Spartans and Tissaphernes; the comedic plays "Lysistrata" and "Thesmophoriazusai" by Aristophanes; how the Athenians succumbed to civil war for the first time in nearly a century and saw an overthrow of their democracy by what is known as the 400; the vicissitudes of this new oligarchic government; and how factionalism between extremists and moderates led to its downfall
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/06/103-oligarchic-coup.html
Intro by Anya Leonard of Classical Wisdom Speaks
Website: https://classicalwisdom.com/podcast-classical-wisdom-speaks/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClassicalWisdom
In this episode, we discuss the years 413-412 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the Athenian response at home to the Sicilian Disaster, the Spartan and Theban devastation of Attic agriculture and commerce from Decelea, the dissolution of the "friendship" between Athens and Persia, the Spartans' building up of a navy and encouraging of revolts of Athenian subject-allies, the shifting of the war to the eastern Aegean, and a series of treaties are made between Sparta and the Persian satrap Tissaphernes
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/05/102-livin-on-persian-prayer.html
Intro by Katie Nelson and Olivia Meikle of What's Her Name Podcast
Website: https://www.whatshernamepodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/whatshernamepodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatsHerNamePC
In today's special guest episode, I am joined by director and screenwriter Esme von Hoffman (Festival of Cinema NYC 2019 Winner for Best Director) for her film, Ovid and the Art of Love. Esme and I discuss her background with Classics and Roman history, what drew her to make a film about the life of Ovid, her artistic vision in adapting the film to a modern audience, and some of the decisions that she made in writing its script.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/05/special-guest-episode-on-ovid-and-art.html
***The film is available to stream on all major platforms on May 19th 2020***
Website: https://www.ovidandtheartoflove.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ovidandtheartoflove
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OvidLove
In this special guest episode, Dr. Owen Rees and I discuss Ancient Greek land warfare in general with lengthy discussions on the definition of a hoplite, its socio-political importance, and the problems surrounding its chronology and historiographic tradition; the problems with the traditional reconstructive models of ancient Greek battles; the important role of cavalry and light infantry, particularly in the Peloponnesian War onwards; and why the concept of an “honorable western way of war” which seeks its origins in ancient Greek warfare is bogus and hyped up in modern ideology. There are also lots of digression on logistics, slaves, baggage trains, training, the Spartan mirage, the brutal experience of war, the fear that it instilled, the war dead, and the transition of soldiers from civilian life to the battlefield and back again, including all the psychological and sociological problems that arise from this.
Show Notes:
Dr Owen Rees
Website: http://owenrees.co.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/reeshistory
In this episode, we discuss the year 413 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the rise of Archelaus to the Macedonian throne, the Spartan establishment of Decelea, the defeats by the Athenian army and navy at Syracuse, and the retreat and ultimate surrender of the Athenians, which brought the Sicilian Expedition to an end
Show Notes:
Intro by Seth Michels of the History Uncensored Podcast
Website: http://historyuncensoredpod.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyuncensoredpod/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Seth4Nerds
In this episode, we discuss the years 415-414 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the Athenian attempt at blockading Syracuse, the death of Lamachos, the tactical blunders of Nikias, the arrival of Gylippus, and the "Birds" of Aristophanes
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/02/100-sicilian-stalemate.html
Intro by Neil Eckart of the War and Conquest Podcast
Website: https://www.warandconquest.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warandconquestpcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/warandconquest1
In this episode, we discuss the years 417-415 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the ostracism of Hyperbolus, the rivalry of Nikias and Alcibiades, the siege of Melos, the lead up and first year of the Sicilian Expedition, and the prosecutions for the Hermai and Eleusinian Mysteries scandals
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2020/01/099-frustrations-and-poor-decisions.html
Intro by Kate Armstrong of The Exploress Podcast
Website: https://www.theexploresspodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theexploresspodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theexploresspod
In this episode, we discuss the years 421-418 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the breakdowns of the Peace of Nikias; the rise of Alcibiades to prominence at Athens; the differences that arose between Sparta and some of their dissident allies; the diplomatic maneuverings that resulted in the quadruple alliance between Athens, Argos, Mantinea, and Elis; and the decisive Spartan victory at the Battle of Mantinea
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/12/098-peace-unravels.html
Intro by Jacob Collier of The Podcast on Germany
Website: https://www.podcastongermany.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PodcastonGermany/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/on_germany
In this special guest episode, Dr. Moudhy Al-Rashid and I discuss ancient Mesopotamian medicine, in general, and her current research on the use of metaphor in descriptions of mental distress in cuneiform medical texts
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/11/special-guest-episode-on-mesopotamian.html
Dr Moudhy Al-Rashid
Post-Doc at Wolfson College, University of Oxford
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoudhyIn this special guest episode, Dr. Liz Gloyn and I discuss her forthcoming book, Tracking Classical Monsters in Popular Culture (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019).
This work is the first in-depth study on classical reception and monsters in Anglo-American popular culture from the 1950s to the present day. Throughout the book, Dr. Gloyn reveals the trends behind how we have used the monsters, and develops a broad theory of the ancient monster and its life after antiquity, investigating its relation to gender, genre and space to explore what it is that keeps drawing us back to these mythical beasts and why they have remained such a powerful presence in our shared cultural imagination. Specifically, her book takes us through a comprehensive tour of monsters on film and television, from the much-loved creations of Ray Harryhausen in Clash of the Titans to the monster of the week in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, before examining in detail the post-classical afterlives of the two most popular monsters, the Medusa and the Minotaur.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/10/special-guest-episode-on-classical.html
Dr Liz Gloyn
Senior Lecturer at Royal Holloway, University of London
Website: https://lizgloyn.wordpress.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lizgloynIn this episode, we discuss the years 423-421 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the death of Artaxerxes and the succession struggle that ends with Darius II on the Persian throne; the continuation of Brasidas' Thracian and Macedonian campaign; the ‘Wasps’ and ‘Peace’ by Aristophanes; and the deaths of Brasidas and Kleon during the second battle of Amphipolis, culminating in the “Peace of Nikias” and the end of the Archidamian War
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/09/097-road-to-peace.html
Intro by Samuel Hume of Pax Brittanica
Website: https://paxbritannica.info
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PodBritannica/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/samuelhume10 and https://twitter.com/BritannicaPax
In this episode, we discuss the years 425 and 424 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the conclusion of the First Sicilian Expedition and the Congress of Gela, the Athenian seizure of Kythera, the Battles of Megara and Delium, and the beginning of Brasidas' Thracian campaign
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/09/096-athens-on-offensive.html
Intro by SandRhoman
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7pr_dQxm2Ns2KlzRSx5FZA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SandRhoman/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sandrhoman
In this episode, we discuss the years 426 and 425 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the current nature of Athenian politics as dominated by Kleon the anti-aristocratic demagogue, his feud with Aristophanes as seen in the comedic plays "The Acharnians" and "The Knights", the Battles of Pylos and Sphacteria that turned the Greek world upside down, and the brutal conclusion to the Corcyraean civil war
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/08/095-greek-world-turned-upside-down.html
Intro by David Cot of the History of Spain Podcast
Website: https://thehistoryofspain.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehistoryofspain/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/podcast_spain
In this special guest episode, I am joined by Joe Goodkin, a Chicago-based singer/songwriter, who tours the country performing his one-man folk-opera interpretation of Homer’s Odyssey. We discuss what it’s like to be a modern bard and how that has shaped his understanding of the Homeric poems and ancient audiences, as well as what it means to be “non-traditional” classicists, and what we can do and have been able to do to promote Classics to a general audience and why that is important.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/07/special-guest-episode-on-being-modern.html
Joe Goodkin
Websites: http://www.joesodyssey.com and http://www.joegoodkin.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joesodysseysong/ and https://www.facebook.com/joegoodkinmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/joegoodkinIn this special guest episode, Dr Johanna Hanink and I discuss her most recent book, How to Think about War: An Ancient Guide to Foreign Policy (Princeton University Press, 2019), what it was like to translate Thucydides, and the deeper meaning behind many of his speeches
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/06/special-guest-episode-on-translating.html
Dr Johanna Hanink
Associate Professor of Classics at Brown University
Website: https://www.johannahanink.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johannahanink/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/johannahan
In this episode, we discuss the years 427 and 426 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the destruction of Plataea, stasis in both Megara and Corcyra, and Athenian campaigns in Sicily, central Greece, and northwestern Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/05/094-new-leaders-and-new-strategies.html
Intro by Trevor Culley of the History of Persia Podcast
Website: https://historyofpersiapodcast.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistoryofPersiaPodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HistoryofPersia
In this episode, we discuss the years 428 and 427 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including the introduction of Kleon and Nikias, the revolt of Mytilene (Lesbos) from the Athenian empire, and a "prison-style breakout" from Plataea
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/05/093-revolt-in-empire.html
Intro by Rachel and Aisling of the Good Book Podcast
Website: http://goodbookpod.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoodBookPodcast
In this episode, we discuss the years 430 and 429 BC of the Peloponnesian War, including a failed Spartan invasion of Zakynthos and Acarnania, Phormio's naval victories at Rhium and Naupactus, an Athenian debacle at Spartolos, the end of the siege of Potidaea, the death of Pericles and Phormio, and a Thracian invasion of Macedonia.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/05/092-end-of-era-part-ii.html
Intro by Ryan Paulsen of Lexitecture
Website: http://www.lexitecture.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lexitecture/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexitecture and https://twitter.com/PRyanPaulsen
In this episode, we discuss the first year and a half of the war (431-430 BC), as both Sparta and Athens initiated their war strategies, including a Theban sneak attack on Plataea that began the war, Peloponnesian land raids on Attica, Athenian naval raids on the Peloponnese and northwestern Greece, Athenian alliances with Odrysian Thrace, a famous funeral oration by Pericles, and a deadly plague that devastated Athens
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/04/091-attrition-and-plague.html
Intro by Jonathan Adly of the History of the Copts Podcast
Website: https://hxofcoptspodcast.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hxofcopts/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HxCopts
In this episode, we discuss the two events over 433/2 BC that led Pericles to claim that he could see war "coming out of the Peloponnese” (the Potidaean Revolt and the Megarian Embargo); the speeches given by the Corinthians, Spartans, and Athenians on the eve of war; and both sides' financial and military resources, war aims, and tactical strategies.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/04/090-road-to-war.html
Intro by Gary Girod of The French History Podcast
Website: http://www.thefrenchhistorypodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFrenchHistoryPodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrenchHist
In this special guest episode, Dr Barry Strauss and I discuss the content and the methodology behind his new book, the Ten Caesars, his podcast Antiquitas, the importance of public history and writing for non-scholars, and leadership lessons from the ancient world.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/04/special-guest-episode-on-ten-caesars.html
Dr Barry Strauss
Professor of History and Classics at Cornell University
***You can order Dr. Strauss' book here (Simon & Schuster or Amazon)***
Website: http://barrystrauss.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barrystrauss.author/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/barrystrauss
In this special guest episode, I am joined by Dr. Phoebe Segal, Mary Bryce Comstock Curator, Greek and Roman Art, at Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, MA). She gave me a one-on-one tour of their new “Daily Life in Ancient Greece” exhibit (in Gallery 212A-B) and allowed me to record our conversation while doing it.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/03/special-guest-episode-at-mfa-boston.html
In this episode, we discuss the mid-5th century BC history of two areas that were important economically and politically to Athens--the west (the Sicel Revolt, Syracuse's defeat of Akragas, the establishment of the panhellenic colony of Thurii, and new Athenian alliances with Segesta, Leontini, and Rhegium) and the northeast (the founding of Brea and Amphipolis on the Strymon River and the rise of the Odrysrian kingdom of Thrace and the Spartokid dynasty of the Bosporan Kingdom); Athens' growing hostilities with Macedon; and the breakdown of the Thirty Years' Peace treaty (its inadequacies, the Samian Revolt, and Corcyraean/Corinthian hostilities with the battles of Leukimme and Sybota)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/03/089-breakdown-of-peace.html
Intro by Joshua Hirschmann of The History of the Barbarians Podcast
Website: https://historyofthebarbarians.podbean.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyofthebarbarians/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HBarbarians
In this episode, we discuss the life, influences, drawbacks, and positives of the “Father of Scientific History”, Thucydides (ca. 460-395 BC); the nature of Athenian politics and of political organizations in the time of Pericles; and the domestic political scene in Athens in the late 440s and early 430s BC, including the ideological clash between Pericles and the conservative Thucydides (not the historian) and the series of personal and judicial attacks on Pericles and his three closest associates (Phidias, Aspasia, and Anaxagoras)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/02/088-thucydides-and-periclean-politics.html
Intro by Chris Hasler of the History of the World Podcast
Website: https://historyoftheworldpodcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HotWorldpodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyoftheworldpodcast/
In this episode, we describe the development of rhetoric in the ancient Greek world as an art that could be studied and employed in the law courts and politics, and its importance especially in Classical Athens; the roles and various opinions of the Sophists, who were lecturers that traveled from city to city, teaching not only rhetoric but also all of the other subjects that were not being covered by traditional education; and the lives, influences, writings, and various theories put forth by the earliest Rhetoricians and Sophists, including Protagoras, Gorgias, Antiphon, Hippias, Prodicus, and Thrasymachus, as well as synopses on four of Plato's dialogues (Protagoras, Gorgias, Hippias Major, and Hippias Minor)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2019/02/087-rhetoric-and-sophists.html
Intro by Devon Field of the Human Circus podcast
Website: https://humancircuspodcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/circus_human
In this episode, part four of four on a series on Greek philosophy, mathematics, and science in the 5th century BC, we describe the earliest astronomical observations and calculations in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt and their influence on ancient Greek astronomy; the various planets and star constellations found in Greek literature, as well as the origins of the Zodiac; the earliest Greek astronomical speculations of the universe found in Greek mythology (Homer and Hesiod) and in Pre-Socratic philosophy; the Pythagorean model of the universe put forward by Philolaus; and the astronomical calculations made by Oenopides and Meton
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/12/086-early-astronomy.html
Intro by Ahsan Irfan of the HistoryTeller podcast
Website: https://historytellerpodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyteller85/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/historyteller32
In this episode, part three of four on a series on Greek philosophy, mathematics, and science in the 5th century BC, we describe the lives, influences, and various theories and discoveries made by Greece's earliest mathematicians, including Thales, Pythagoras, Hippasus and the early Pythagoreans, Oenopides, Hippocrates, Antiphon, Bryson, Democritus, and Theodoros
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/12/085-mathematics-and-early-pythagoreans.html
Intro by Derek of The Hellenistic Age Podcast
Website: https://hellenisticagepodcast.wordpress.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hellenisticpod
The History of Ancient Greece is sponsored by the CLNS Media Network and Today’s episode is brought to you by ZipRecruiter. And right now, my listeners can try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE at this exclusive web address: www.ZipRecruiter.com/greece.
Today’s episode is also brought to you by our new October 2018 Patreon supporters Juan Camilo Rodriguez, Andrew, Ine Jordens, and James Welch, as well as PayPal donors Ricardo Carvalho and Robin Allday. If you too would like to support The History of Ancient Greece, you can become a monthly Patreon supporter at (https://www.patreon.com/thehistoryofancientgreecepodcast) or a one time donor at (https://www.paypal.me/RyanStitt).
In this episode, part two of four on a series on Greek philosophy, mathematics, and science in the 5th century BC, we describe the lives, influences, and various theories put forth by the Pluralist School (Anaxagoras, Empedocles, and Archelaus), as well as by various other Pre-Socratic physiologoi (aka natural philosophers) not associated with a particular school, such as Hippon and Diogenes of Apollonia, and the philosopher/medical theorist Alcmeon
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/11/084-pluralists-and-other-physiologoi.html
Intro by Janell Rhiannon of Greek Mythology Retold Podcast
Website: https://www.janellrhiannon.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JanellRhiannonAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theravenangel
In this episode, part one of four on a series on Greek philosophy, mathematics, and science in the 5th century BC, we describe the lives, influences, and various theories put forth by the Eleatic School (Parmenides, Zeno, and Melissus) and the so-called Atomists (Leucippus and Democritus)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/11/083-eleatics-and-atomists.html
Intro by Josh Harle of The Ancient History Guy
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6gQS5SByUgXeS8DwjTgSuw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAnceintHistoryGuy1/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ancient_guy
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Apollo, the god of music, poetry, prophecy, truth, healing, medicine, plague, light, and knowledge, who served as a kind of symbol for young Greek boys to emulate
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/10/082-leader-of-muses.html
Intro by M.C. Williams of Myths Your Teacher Hated Podcast
Website: http://www.mythsyourteacherhated.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HardcoreMyth/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HardcoreMyth
In this special guest episode, Dr Donna Zuckerberg and I talk about her role as Editor-in-Chief of Eidolon, which is an online journal for scholarly writing about Classics that isn’t formal scholarship. This leads us into a discussion about the importance of public-facing history. More importantly, though, we discuss her new book titled “Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age", which is a study of the reception of Classics in Red Pill communities.
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/10/special-guest-episode-on-classics-and_7.html
***You can order Dr. Zuckerberg's book here (Harvard University Press or Amazon)***
Website: https://eidolon.pub
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eidolonjournal/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/donnazuck and https://twitter.com/eidolon_journalIn this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Orpheus and his Mysteries; the Orphic Hymns and the Orphic Theogony; the Orphic Hymn to Melinoe and her connection to the Mysteries, Hekate, and Hermes Psychopompos; the roles of omens, divination, and itinerant seers (including the mythic figures of Tiresias, Mopsus, and Chalcias, as well as historical figures like Lampon); and the roles of oracles (including the myths and cultic worship of Apollo in regard to Delphi, Python, the Pythia, the Sibyl, and Daphne, as well as the archaeological evidence, rituals, and importance of the oracles at Delphi, those in Boeotia, and those in Ionia (ex. Didyma and Claros)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/09/081-orphism-omens-and-oracles.html
Intro by Bry and Fry of Pontifacts Podcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pontifactspod/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pontifactspod, https://twitter.com/BryJensen, https://twitter.com/frycurious
Website: https://pontifacts.podbean.com
In this special guest episode, Fiona and I discuss slavery in the ancient Roman Republic and Empire and compare/contrast it with ancient Greece (plus lots on gladiators and Spartacus!)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/09/special-guest-episode-on-roman-slavery.html
Fiona Radford
Co-Host of the Partial Historians Podcast
Website: https://partialhistorians.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepartialhistorians/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/p_historians and https://twitter.com/FionaRadford1
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Hekate, the goddess associated with magic, sorcery, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, crossroads, entrance-ways, ghosts, and necromancy; including her connections and/or syncretizations with Iphigenia, Artemis, Selene, the Fures, the Keres, the Semnai Theai, Empousa, Lamia, Circe, and Medea; and the "monstrous craft" of magikos in ancient Greece, including curse tablets, binding spells, love spells, potions, and amulets
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/09/080-hekate-and-magic.html
Intro by Genn McMenemy and Jenny Williamson of Ancient History Fangirl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AncientHistoryFangirl/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gennmcmenemy, https://twitter.com/TheGenuineJenny, https://twitter.com/AncientHistFan
Website: http://www.ancienthistoryfangirl.com
Today’s episode is brought to you by our new August 2018 Patreon supporters Matt Warren and Daniel Urquhart, as well as PayPal donor Hans Andersen. If you too would like to support The History of Ancient Greece, you can become a monthly Patreon supporter at (https://www.patreon.com/thehistoryofancientgreecepodcast) or a one time donor at (https://www.paypal.me/RyanStitt).
In this episode, we discuss what life was like for the elderly in ancient Greece, the liminal stage between life and death, the rituals and importance of the funeral and burial, the archaeology of the Kerameikos in Athens and its significance in our understanding of Greek funerary practices, the importance of the demosion sema and epitaphios logos in Athenian democracy, and the evolution of Greek funerary monuments from the archaic into the Hellenistic period
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/08/079-old-age-death-and-burial.html
Intro by Dr Foxwede of Foxwede History
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCedWltyADAy7s8-WAVGxBLA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoxwedeHistory/
In this episode, we discuss healing and medicine in the ancient Greek world by looking at Asklepios, Asklepieia, and the earliest physicians; Hippocrates, the Hippocratic School of Medicine, and the Hippocratic Corpus; and bacterial/viral diseases, mental diseases, and disabilities
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/08/078-healing-and-medicine.html
Introduction by Noah Tetzner of History of Vikings
Website: http://thehistoryofvikings.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HistoryofViking
In this episode, we discuss what it was was like in ancient Athens for a young girl or boy from birth to adolescence, by looking at childbirth, childhood, the various rites of passages that they must surpass on the way to becoming teenagers, the paideia education system (both Old and New) and finally the training young boys undertook in order to be accepted as a hoplite citizen warrior
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/07/077-from-childbirth-to-adolescence.html
Intro by William Hubbard of the Layman's Historian Podcast
Website: https://laymenhistorian.podbean.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelaymanhistorian/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laymanhistorian
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, the moon, and the protector of the young
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/06/076-goddess-of-young.html
Intro by Tanner Campbell of the Legends, Myths, and Whiskey Podcast
Website: https://legendsmythsandwhiskey.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TannerInMaine and https://twitter.com/LMAWpodcast
In this special guest episode, Peta and I discuss a few aspects in regards to the role of women in the religious sphere of Rome and compare/contrast it with ancient Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/10/special-guest-episode-on-roman-women.html
Peta Greenfield
Co-Host of the Partial Historians Podcast
Website: https://partialhistorians.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepartialhistorians/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/p_historians and https://twitter.com/peta_greenfield
TED-Ed Video: Who were the Vestal Virgins, and what was their job? - Peta Greenfield
In this episode, we discuss the medical and philosophical writings on women’s bodies, particularly the Hippocratic Corpus and Aristotle, on the topics of menstruation, pregnancy, and the “wandering womb”; the various methods and techniques for contraception, abortion, and exposure; the legal procedure for divorces (usually due to childlessness and adultery); and the ways in which adulterers were punished in ancient Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/05/075-pregnancy-abortion-and-divorce.html
In this episode, we discuss the legal status of women in Ancient Greece (including the dowry and the epikleros), the betrothal and marriage rituals, and the ideal of separation and seclusion for women (the evidence for and against it)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/04/074-marriage-and-domesticity.htm
In this episode, we discuss the basic designs of ancient Greek homes and what type of furniture, decoration, lighting, and so forth might be found in them; the physical and idealistic seperation between the gynakeion (women's quarters) and the andron (men's quarters); the pitfalls to ancient Athens as an urban city (such as the street-side defecation), as well as the benefits (such as the gymnasia); the religious sphere of the oikos, particularly the role Hestia played in it; and the different type of clothing, jewelry, and hairstyles one might have seen on an ancient Athenian man or woman
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/04/073-oikos-and-private-life.html
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Hera, the queen of the heavens and wife of Zeus, and the guardian of women, marriage, childbirth, and the family unit
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/03/072-wrathful-queen.html
Intro by Liv Albert of Let's Talk About Myths, Baby!
Website: https://www.mythsbaby.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mythsbaby/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mythsbaby
In this special guest episode, Aven and I discuss love, sex, and prostitution from the Roman perspective and compare/contrast it with ancient Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/03/special-guest-episode-on-roman.html
Aven McMaster
Assistant Professor of Ancient Studies at Thorneloe University at Laurentian
Co-Host of the Endless Knot Podcast
Website: http://www.alliterative.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alliterativeendlessknot/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvenSarah and https://twitter.com/AvenMcMaster
In this episode, we discuss Greek love and sexuality by examining the formal social institution known as pederasty; the various theories of love as described by Plato (through various speakers) in his treatise, the Symposium; the various methods in which Athenian males (and non-citizen women) were able to have sex; the depiction of nudity and genitalia in art and masturbation; the various types of female and male prostitutes; pictorial and medical evidence for the daily life of prostitutes and philosophical and comedic representation of prostitution; and the lives of several famous hetairai (Rhodopis, Thargelia, Aspasia, Phryne, and Neaira)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/03/071-love-sex-and-prostitution.html
Intro by Neil of the Ancient Blogger Podcast
Website: http://www.ancientblogger.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ancientblogger
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ancientblogger
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, love, sexual pleasure, and procreation
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/02/070-goddess-of-seduction.html
In this episode, we discuss the notion of the barbaroi in Greek culture; the origins and philosophical theories for slavery; and the legal status and type of roles (and importance) that slaves and metics (foreign residents) had in the Athenian economy
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/02/069-slaves-and-foreigners.html
In this episode, we discuss the various ways in which the ancient Greeks traveled, whether it was via land or sea; the physical layout of the port of Piraeus and the commercial activity that took place there; the mining district of Thorikos and how silver was mined for coinage and how coins were struck; farming techniques and how produce/goods were sold in the agora; the various types of manufacturing workshops at Athens and how they operated; and the disdain that the elites held for the merchant and manufacturing classes
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/01/068-travel-trade-and-work.html
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Hephaistos (the god of fire, metalworking, and blacksmiths) and Hermes (the messenger god of trade, deceit, travelers, and borders)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2018/01/067-hephaistos-and-hermes.html
Intro by Abel Kay of The Tale of Rome Podcast
Website: http://thetaleofrome.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/west4east
In this episode, we discuss the construction, the history, and the significance of the Athenian Agora, and a description of its many civic buildings that served as the nerve center for Athenian democracy, as well as the rest of the Periclean Building Program (the Temple of Hephaestus and Odeon in Athens, the Telesterion at Eleusis, and the Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/12/066-athenian-agora.html
In this episode, we discuss the construction, the history, and the significance of the main buildings on the Athenian Acropolis (the Parthenon, The Propylaia, The Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and a few others); together, these buildings mark the high point of the glorification of Athens, and the Acropolis thus became a confident assertion of Athens’ cultural leadership of Greece, a bold endorsement of her self-image, and a dazzling instrument of political propaganda, with the result that many people later would consider the Athenian Acropolis to be the symbol of the legacy and the glories of Classical Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/12/065-athenian-acropolis.html
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, craftsmanship, and strategic warfare who served as a kind of symbol for the city of Athens and civilization in general
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/12/064-protectress-of-athens.html
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Poseidon, the violent and unpredictable god who ruled over the sea
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/11/063-lord-of-sea.html
In this episode, we discuss the Attic calendar year with a focus on the agricultural festivals and ceremonies; starting in the fall at the time of sowing we work our way around the year, month-by-month, until it is time to sow once again; particular attention is given to the Thesmophoria and the Eleusinian Mysteries but a dozen or so other festivals are described, including the Pyanepsia, the Oschophoria, the Chalkeia, the Proerosia, the Apaturia, the Haloa, the Thargelia, the Skira, the Kronia, the Herakleia, and the Boedromia (excluded are the Rural Dionysia, the Lenaia, the City Dionysia, and the Anthesteria)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/11/062-agricultural-festivals.html
Intro by Travis Dow of Podcastnik
Website: http://www.podcastnik.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/podcastnik
In this episode, we discuss the primordial goddess Gaia (the personification of Mother Earth) and her relationship with Demeter, the goddess of agriculture; the myths and iconography of Demeter and her daughter Persephone / Kore (including the daughter's abduction by Hades); Persephone's dual role as Queen of the Underworld and an agriculture goddess, like her mother; and the various ways in which these two were worshipped together, particularly in the Peloponnese and Magna Graecia (but not including their Attic cults)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/11/061-two-goddesses.html
Intro by Steve Guerra of the History of the Papacy Podcast
Website: https://www.atozhistorypage.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HistoryOfThePapacyPodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atozhistory
In this episode, we discuss the mysterious, shadowy figure of Hades (Lord of the Underworld); the Greek perception of the afterlife and those who dwell in it; necromancy (the summoning of the dead to answer questions); where and how one can make a katabasis (decent) into the Underworld; and Homer's description of the abode of Hades in Book Eleven of the Odyssey and then comparing and contrasting that with the description found in Virgil's Aeneid Book Six, all while taking a tour of the Underworld, its major features, and its inhabitants
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/10/060-underworld.html
Intro by Chad Davies of The Scientific Odyssey Podcast
Website: http://thescientificodyssey.typepad.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thescientificodyssey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaddavies
In this episode, we discuss the myths, iconography, and cultic worship of Zeus, the mighty patriarch who ruled over Mount Olympus; included are his Indo-European origins as the supreme sky god; his role as the god who maintains order and justice by presided over normative civic, social, and family relationships; his connection with Themis (Divine Law), Nemesis (Revenge), and the three Moirai (the Fates); his worship as a rain-making, agricultural deity, both on mountain peaks (Attica and Crete) and the Underworld (symbolizing the regenerative life cycle); his worship in Arcadia and its relationship to werewolf transformation and human sacrifice; his oracles at Dodone and Siwa (where he was syncretized with Libyan god Ammon); his Pan-Hellenic sanctuary at Olympia; his connection with Nike (Victory) and his worship as a savior or bringer of freedom against foreign foes (Persia and Carthage); and the "philosophical Zeus" that arose when many people began to question polytheistic religions during the Hellenistic Period
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/10/059-olympian-zeus.html
Intro by Lee Accomando of the Viking Age Podcast
Website: http://vikingagepodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vikingagepod
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VikingAgePod
In this episode, we discuss the innovation during the 5th century BC in the realm of temple building (outside of Attica); included are the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina, the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Hera II at Poseidonia (Paestum), the Temple of Victory at Himera, the Temple of Apollo at Syracuse, the Valley of the Temples at Akragas, the Temple of Hera at Selinus, the unfinished temple at Segesta, and the Temple of Apollo at Bassae
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/10/058-classical-temples.html
Intro by Ben Jacobs of the Wittenberg to Westphalia: Wars of the Reformation Podcast
Website: http://wittenbergtowestphaliapodcast.weebly.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wittenbergtowestphalia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/w2wpodcast
In this episode, we discuss the innovation during the 5th century BC in the realm of vase, wooden panel, and wall paintings; included are some of the works of the Kleoprades Painter, the Berlin Painter, Onesimos, the Brygos Painter, the Pistoxenos Painter, Sotades, the Niobid Painter, Polygnotos, Mikon, Timarete, Parrhasios, Zeuxis, Apollodoros, the Achilles Painter, the Penthesilea Painter, the Pisticci Painter, the Meidias Painter, as well as the Tomb of the Diver at Poseidonia (Paestum) and the Pitsa Panels
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/10/057-classical-paintings.html
Intro by Ray Belli of the Words for Granted Podcast
Website: http://www.wordsforgranted.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wordsforgranted
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wordsforgranted
In this episode, we discuss the innovation during the 5th century BC in the realm of free-standing statuary in the round, stelai, and architectural relief; included are the Kritios Boy and the Angelitos' Athena from the "Persian debris", the Tyrannicides by Antenor, the Charioteer of Delphi, the Artemision Zeus/Poseidon, the Riace Warriors, the Statue of Zeus Carrying Ganymede, the Mourning Athena, the Exaltation of the Flowers, the Enthroned Goddess, the Charioteer of Motya, the Relief of Hades and Persephone Enthroned, the Relief of Aphrodite and Hermes in a Chariot Drawn by Eros and Psyche, the Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) of Myron, the Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer) and Diadoumenos (Youth Tying a Headband) of Polykleitos, the Helmeted Athena, the Wound Amazon, the Cat Stele, and Stele of Hegeso
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/09/056-classical-sculptures.html
Intro by Laura Carlson of The Feast Podcast
Website: http://www.thefeastpodcast.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Feast_Podcast
In this episode, we discuss the Phrygian goddess Cybele; her cult's transportation to Greece in the 6th century BC; her assimilation with the cults of Gaia, Rhea, and Demeter as the Great Mother and as a civic protector (particularly in Athens); her cultic rites and influence on Dionysos (Bacchus), particularly music, wine, and an ecstatic following; the myths of two other Phrygian deities, Agdistis and Attis; some of the myths and the iconography of Dionysos and his companions (Silenus, Pan, the Satyrs, and the Maenads); the historicity and major themes of Euripides’ The Bacchae ("The Followers of Bacchus"); and the cultic elements of Dionysiac worship (particularly in Delphi, Boeotia, and the Peloponnese)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/09/055-dionysian-mysteries.html
Intro by Savannah Marquardt of Ritual Podcast
Website: https://www.ritualpodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RitualPodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RitualPodcast
In this episode, we discuss the Lenaia, the intricacies of Athenian Old Comedy, and what is known about the lives and works of the earliest comedic poets, who set the stage for Aristophanes, whose eleven surviving works effectively define the genre today, which include The Acharnians, The Knights, The Clouds, The Wasps, Peace, The Birds, Lysistrata, The Women at the Thesmophoria, The Frogs, The Assembly Women, and Wealth
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/09/054-old-comedy-and-aristophanes.html
In this episode, we discuss the historicity and some of the major themes of Euripides' surviving plays that he produced against the backdrop of the Peloponnesian War, which include The Children of Herakles, Andromache, Hecuba, The Suppliants, Electra, The Madness of Herakles, The Trojan Women, Iphigenia in Tauris, Ion, Helen, The Phoenician Women, Orestes, and Iphigenia at Aulis (excluding The Bacchae)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/08/053-euripides-at-war.html
In this episode, we discuss the life, theatrical innovations, and tragic works of the third great Athenian playwright, Euripides; and the historicity and some of the major themes of his earliest surviving plays, which include Cyclops, Rhesus, Alcestis, Medea, and Hippolytus
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/08/052-early-euripides.html
Intro by Sam Hume of The History of Witchcraft Podcast
Website: http://witchcraftpodcast.libsyn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/historyofwitchcraft
In this episode, we discuss the life, theatrical innovations, and tragic works of the second great Athenian playwright, Sophocles; and the historicity and some of the major themes of his seven surviving plays, which include Antigone, Ajax, Oedipus Rex, The Women of Trachis, Philoctetes, Electra, and Oedipus at Colonus
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/08/051-sophocles.html
In this episode, we discuss what is known about the lives and tragic works of the earliest tragic poets that set the stage for the first great Athenian playwright, Aeschylus, to make all sorts of theatrical innovations at the onset of the Classical Period; and the historicity and some of the major themes of his seven surviving plays, which include The Persians, Prometheus Bound, Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliants, and the trilogy known as The Oresteia (whose three plays includes Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/07/050-early-tragedy-and-aeschylus.html
In this episode, we discuss the origins of drama in the Attic countryside, its relation to the cult of Dionysos, and its introduction to Athens in the late 6th century BC; its evolution from a chorus of satyrs singing dithyrambs to the addition of actors (aka Thespians from the first one, Thespis); the Dionysia festivals celebrating the cultivation of vines, both "Rural" throughout Attica during the month of Poseideon (late December/early January) and "City" in Athens during the month of Elaphebolion (late March/early April), as well as the Lenaia in the month of Gamelion (late January/early February); the physical space and early evolution of the theater in the sanctuary of Dionysios Eleuthereos on the southern slope of the Athenian acropolis; the various roles of the actors and the chorus and their costumes; the components of tragic and comedic plays; and drama's civic importance in 5th century BC Athens
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/07/049-theater-and-dionysia.html
In this episode, we discuss how, when, and where different subgroups of ancient Greeks consumed food each day; what particular foods were part of each's diet; some famous early cookbook authors; viticulture and the economic, religious, and medicinal role of wine; the festival of Anthesteria in the month of Anthesterion (late February/early March), which celebrated the beginning of spring and marked the ceremonious opening of the wine jars from the previous autumn's harvest; and the symposium (drinking-party), an aristocratic social event which included philosophical/light-hearted discussions, musical performances, song-singing, storytelling, flirting, and competitions (such as kottabos, aka ancient wine pong)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/07/048-food-wine-and-symposium.html
In this episode, we discuss the iconography of Herakles, his early myths, his infamous twelve labors, his later life, his heroic persona, how he was worshipped as a pan-Hellenic divine hero, some of his cults, including those in initiatory and pederastic contexts, as a guardian of the city, and as a military and wrestling champion; and his role as a founder of many Greek cities and as apostle of Hellenism in the western Mediterranean
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/06/047-herakles-from-zero-to-hero.html
In this episode, we discuss the importance of heroes in Greek mythology, the creation of various beasts and monsters, and the lives and accomplishments of various mythic heroes who often times fought against these monsters; including Cadmus of Thebes and the Ismenian Dragon, Perseus of Argos and the Gorgon Medusa; Bellerophon of Corinth, Pegasus, and the Chimaera; the cursed family of Pelops and the Oath of Tyndareus; the Lapiths, the Centaurs, and the Centauromachy; Meleager, Atalanta, and the Caledonian Boar Hunt; and the troublemaking of Pirithous and Theseus
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/06/046-monsters-and-heroes.html
In this episode, we discuss the various types of ancient Greek musical instruments during the Classical Period and how and for what purpose they were used; and the lives and works of the three great 5th century BC lyric poets who pioneered the genre of the epinikion (victory ode)—Simonides of Ceos (556-468 BC), Bacchylides of Ceos (ca. 525-ca. 450 BC), and Pindar of Thebes (522-443 BC), as well as their connections with the lesser known poets Corrina of Tanagra, Lasos of Hermione, and Timocreon of Rhodes
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/06/045-music-and-victory-odes.html
In this episode, we discuss the democratic machinations of Classical Athens in the mid-to-late 5th century BC; including the role that the Athenian statesman Pericles had on the radicalization of Athenian democracy, the magistracies, the ekklesia, the boule and prytaneis, the law courts and jurors, contemporary critiques of Athenian democracy, and the economics of running the democracy (through a system of public donations known as the liturgies)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/05/044-democracy-under-pericles.html
In this episode, we discuss the years spanning 454-446 BC, covering Athens' increasingly imperialistic behavior and the final years of the First Peloponnesian War
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/05/043-imperial-athens.html
Intro by Rob and Jamie of the Totalus Rankium Podcast
Website: https://totalusrankium.podbean.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/romanemperorstotalusrankium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TotalusRankium
In this episode, we discuss the years spanning 461-454 BC, covering the early part of the First Peloponnesian War / "The Undeclared War"
Show Notes: www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/05/…war.html
Intro by Ahmet Ozakca of the Groovy Historian Podcast
Website: https://groovy-historian.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GroovyHistorian
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GroovyHistorian
In this episode, we discuss the 460s BC; the battle of the Eurymedon River (Asia Minor), which sees Cimon winning a dual land and naval victory over the Persians; Sparta's clashes with the anti-Spartan coalition of Argos, Tegea, Elis, and Mantinea; the assassination of Xerxes and eventual ascension to the Persian throne of his son, Artaxerxes; Themistocles' medism trial and his defection to the court of Artaxerxes; the revolt of Thasos from the Delian League; the debilitating earthquake in the Peloponnese and the resulting Helot revolt; the political downfall and ostracism of Cimon, which leads to the severing of the Athenian-Spartan alliance; and the democratic reforms, assassination of Ephialtes, and ascendency of Pericles
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/04/041-end-of-era.html
Intro by Peta Greenfield and Fiona Radford of the Partial Historians Podcast
Website: https://partialhistorians.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepartialhistorians
Twitter: https://twitter.com/p_historians
In this episode, we discuss the aftermath of the Persian Wars and how the Athenians and Spartans both come to terms with the new state of affairs; the formation of the Delian League under Athens to carry on the war effort against Persia at sea; the political factions in Athens (Themistocles / Xanthippos vs Cimon / Aristides) and Sparta (Leotychidas / Pausanias vs Pleistarchos) and their struggle to dictate Athenian-Spartan foreign policy in the 470s BC
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/04/040-war-hawks-and-peace-doves.html
Intro by Rob Sims of the History in the Making Podcast
Website: http://www.hitmpodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hitmpodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HITMpodcast
In this episode, we discuss the tensions between the Spartan-Athenian alliance during the winter of 480/79 BC over how to deal with the lingering Persian threat; Mardonios' strategy of turning the Athenians and Spartans against each other; the eventual makeup (sort of) of Athens and Sparta; the combined Greek counterattack against the Persians in spring 479 BC, culminating in the twin victories at Plataea (Boeotia) and Mykale (Ionia), which effectively ended the first phase of the Greco-Persian Wars; and the Athenians' first attempt on the Thracian Chersonese, which would come to define their foreign policy in the rest of the century
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/04/in-this-episode-we-discuss-tensions.html
Intro by Charlie of The Almost Forgotten Podcast
Website: http://almostforgotten.squarespace.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thealmostforgot
In this episode, we discuss the aftermath of the Greek loss at Thermopylae, as the Persians advance southwards to Athens and the rest of the Greeks flee to Salamis and to the Peloponnese; the lead-up to and the naval Battle of Salamis (480 BC) itself, in which Themistocles tricks the Persians into fighting in the narrows between Attica and Salamis, resulting in a stunning Greek victory at sea; and the battle's aftermath, which sees Xerxes' fleet and the bulk of his army retreat back to Asia
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/03/038-behind-wooden-walls.html
Intro by Katy and Nathan of Queens Podcast
Website: http://queenspodcast.libsyn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueensPodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Queens_Podcast
In this episode, we discuss the death of Darius and the ascension of Xerxes to the Persian throne; Xerxes' preparations for a much larger, second Persian invasion of Greece (in 480 BC); the formation of the Hellenic League and their own preparations and tactical maneuverings in order to defend Greek liberty against Persia; and the simultaneous multi-day land and naval battles at Thermopylae and Artemision in central Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/03/037-molon-labe.html
Intro by Nitin Sil of the Flash Point History Podcast
Website: http://flashpointhx.podomatic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FLASHPOINTHX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlashpointHx
In this episode, we discuss the events leading up to the first Persian invasion of Greece (in 490 BC), including both sides preparations for war, shifting alliances amongst the Greeks and Persians, and regnal squabbles at Sparta; the Battle of Marathon itself and its aftermath; the folklore that surrounded the battle afterwards; the ongoing military feud between the Athenians and Aeginetans; and the internal political happenings at Athens during the 480s BC
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/03/036-marathonomachoi.html
Intro by Roxanne of the Mythology Translated Podcast
Website: http://mythologytranslated.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mythtrans
In this episode, we discuss the events of the Ionian Revolt from the Persian Empire, including the failed Naxos expedition, Miletus' role in the rebellion and its spread throughout the western coast of Asia Minor and Cyprus, the Greek sack of Sardis, the three-pronged Persian counteroffensive in Cyprus, Caria, Ionia, the Hellespont, and the Propontis, the Persian naval victory at Lade, and their subsequent sack of Miletus; the Spartan destruction of Argos at Sepeia; the early life of one of Athens' key political figures for the next four decades, Themistocles; and the internal political happenings of Athens during the 490s BC
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/03/035-ionian-revolt.html
Intro by Aven McMaster & Mark Sundaram of the Endless Knot
Website: http://www.alliterative.net
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Alliterative
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alliterativeendlessknot
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvenSarah and https://twitter.com/Alliterative
In this episode, we discuss the final subjugation of the Ionian poleis to Persian-backed tyrannies, Darius' failed invasion of Scythia, Megabazos' conquest of Thrace, and the submission of Macedon that brought Persia right up to the foothills of Mt Olympus, at the very borders of mainland Greece; the diplomatic follies of the Athenians; and whether war was or was not inevitable, at least in the last decade of the 500s BC
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/02/034-rising-tensions.html
Intro by Lantern Jack of Ancient Greece Declassified
Website: http://greecepodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greecepodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/greecepodcast
In this episode, we discuss the ascension of Darius to the Persian throne; his consolidation of the empire and eastern campaigns; Zoroastrianism and the role Ahura-Mazda played in his reign; and his reform program, with a special focus on his creation of a new script (Old Persian), his new capital of Persepolis, his bureaucratic satrapies, the Royal Road, his "sort of" Red Sea/Nile River canal, and the creation and influence of the gold "Daric"
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/02/033-great-king-darius.html
Intro by Jeff Wright of Trojan War: The Podcast
Website: http://trojanwarpodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trojanwarpodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrojanWarPod
In this episode, we discuss events in the eastern Mediterranean during the reign of the Persian king, Cambyses, with a particular focus on the achievements and the political maneuverings between the Egyptian kings Amasis II and Psammetichos III, the Cyrenaean kings Battos III and Arkesilaos III, the Samian tyrant Polykrates, and the Naxian tyrant Lygdamis; Cambyses' successful conquests of Cyprus and Egypt; his failed campaigns in north Africa against the Nubians, Cyrenaeans, and Carthaginians; and his “madness" (as told by Herodotus) which ultimately brought his reign to an end
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/02/032-cambyses.html
Intro by Drew Vahrenkamp of the Wonders of the World Podcast
Website: wonderspodcast.libsyn.com/podcast
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wonderspodcast
Twitter: twitter.com/wonderspodcast
In this episode, we discuss Cyrus' conquests of the Lydian kingdom, the Greek city-states in western Anatolia, the nomadic step-tribes of central Asia, and the Neo-Babylonian Empire; the contingents and battle tactics of his multi-ethnic military; the administration of his multi-state empire that stretched from Anatolia in the west to the northwestern regions of India in the east; and his other deeds and qualities that were deemed to be so exceptional by later historians that he earned the moniker "the Great"
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/01/031-cyrus-great.html
Intro by Vivek Vasan of the Historical India Podcast
Website: http://www.historicalindiapodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/histoindicast
In this episode, we discuss the life, influences, drawbacks, and positives of the “Father of History”, Herodotus; and the political events of the Near East in the 7th and early 6th centuries BC, including the rise of the Medians and Neo-Babylonians and their destruction of the Assyrian Empire, and culminating with a young vassal king from Anshan, named Cyrus, who overthrew the Medes and elevated the Achaemenid Persians among the other chief powers of the time (the Lydians, the Neo-Babylonians, and the Egyptians)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/01/030-herodotus-and-rise-of-persia.html
Intro by Alison Innes and Darrin Sunstrum of the MythTake Podcast Website: mythtake.blog Facebook: www.facebook.com/mythtake Twitter: twitter.com/InnesAlison and twitter.com/darrinsunstrum
In this episode, part 2 of 2 on the Greco-Etruscan-Carthaginian relations during the 6th/5th centuries BC, we discuss the tyrannies that arose and fell in Sicily in the first half of the 5th century BC at Rhegium/Zancle (Messana), Himera, Syracuse, Gela, and Akragas; the First Greco-Punic War and its aftermath/legacy; the decline of Etruscan power in Campania; the changes in the Carthaginian constitution following the war; and finally, the sea explorations of Himilco (northwest Europe) and Hanno the Navigator (western Africa)
Show Notes:http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/01/029-first-greco-punic-war.html
Intro by Guillaume Lamothe of the History of Exploration Podcast
Website: https://historyofexploration.net
In this episode, part 1 of 2 on the Greco-Etruscan-Carthaginian relations during the 6th/5th centuries BC, we discuss Carthage's foundation myths and early history as just another Phoenician colony, Tyre's decline and Carthage's rise as the dominant economic superpower in the western Mediterranean, the alliance between the Carthaginians and Etruscans against the western Greeks, and the Battle of Alalia and its aftermath
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2017/01/028-rise-of-carthage.html
Intro by Brandon Huebner of the Maritime History Podcast Website: http://maritimehistorypodcast.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maritimehistorypodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/HistoriaMare
In this episode, we discuss the political struggle between Isagoras (who was now backed by the Spartan military) and Cleisthenes who ultimately was victorious, which allowed him to institute his overhaul of the Athenian constitution; the different democratic changes that he instituted in regards to the Boule and Ekklesia; and the consequences (both good and bad) from this new revolutionary government, including the gerrymandering of Attica into new tribes, the reorganization of the military structure, Athens' first diplomatic folly with the Persians, and the threat of war with Thebes, Corinth, Sparta, Chalcis, and Aegina
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/12/027-democracy-of-cleisthenes.html
In this episode, we discuss the ascension of Peisistratos as the first tyrant of Athens and the political maneuverings that he and his two sons, Hippias and Hipparchus, took in maintaining (and sometimes regaining) their position, which included armed warfare, trickery, political marriages, and the expulsion of many of their political enemies (who would go and found several colonies in Athens' name); the economic reforms that Peisistratos and his two sons undertook; their patronage of the arts and public works in the Agora and Acropolis, as well as at other religious sanctuaries in Attica; their encouragement of religious festivals, especially the Greater Panathenaia and the Dionysia; and the ultimate dissolution of the tyranny brought about by the assassination of Hipparchus, the susbsequent cruelty and expulsion of Hippias, and the ascendency of Cleisthenes (with the help of the Spartans)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/12/026-tyranny-of-peisistratids.html
Intro by Doug Metzger of the Literature and History Podcast
Website: http://literatureandhistory.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/literatureandhistory
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lahpodcast
In this episode, we discuss the life and deeds of the great Athenian statesman, Solon, who from his position of sole archonship, enacted various economic, political, and legal reforms that would later form the backbone for Athenian democracy in the Classical Period, but in doing so he took a moderate stance to appease everyone, which didn't quiet the ongoing social and economic problems of the state and shortly thereafter factionalism set in, leading to the next phase of Athenian political history (in which aristocratic infighting led to instability for decades and ultimately to tyranny)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/12/025-reforms-of-solon.html
In this episode, we discuss the early history of Athens beginning with its mythical past, and how and why the later Athenians promoted and propogandized these myths, with a particular focus on their first king Cecrops, the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the city's patronage, the birth of Ericthonius (the "love" child of Hephaistos-Athena-Gaia) who would go onto become king, the life of Theseus, and the death of the final king Kodras fighting the Heracleidae; in historical times, the abolishment of the monarchy in the Dark Ages that gave rise to the oligarchic government (first by the Medontidai and then the Eupatridai); the social organizations of the Athenians; and finally the social and economic crises at the end of the 7th century BC that brought about an unsuccessful tyranny attempt by an Olympic athlete named Cylon and Athens' first written constitution, orchestrated by a shadowy figure named Draco
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/12/024-early-athens.html
In this episode, we discuss the inner-workings of Sparta's unique political, economic, and social system; included are the diarchy (dual hereditary kingship), the Gerousia (council of elders), the apella assembly), and the ephors (judicial overseers); the so-called Lykurgan land reform and the devolution of Sparta's economy; the roles of the Helots (slaves), the Perioikoi (non-citizens), and Spartan women; and the various steps of the agoge (Sparta's education and military training system) which created Spartiatai (full-citizen males)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/09/023-this-is-sparta.html
In this episode, we discuss the early history of the polis of Lacadaemon (Sparta), including their expansion in the southern Peloponnesus with the 1st and 2nd Messenian Wars (that brought about the formation of the helot system of slavery); Spartan society's social-class tensions and civil strife that led to reform, supposedly by the semi-mythical lawgiver Lykurgas in the 8th century BC, but more likely a gradual process during the 7th and 6th centuries BC; its military growing pains as Sparta suffered a series of losses to their neighbors, Argos (in the Argolid) and Tegea (in southern Arcadia), before eventually defeating them; the life of Chilon, one of the Seven Sages, and his role in making amendments to the Spartan constitution and in guiding foreign policy; and Sparta's ultimate rise to hegemony over their Peloponnesian and Isthmian neighbors, resulting in what modern scholars call the "Peloponnesian League"
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/08/022-sparta-ascendant.html
In this episode, we discuss the culturally unifying importance of Panhellenic festivals in the Greek world; the history and evolution of the athletic program of the Ancient Olympic games; how the various athletic events that the Greeks participated in were performed; some famous athletes and the larger than life quality they achieved; and the four major Panhellenic festivals (Olympic, Pythian, Isthmian, and Nemean)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/08/021-athletics-and-panhellenic-games.html
In this episode, we describe the new schools of thought that began to percolate in the 6th century BC about our existence and role in this universe absent from the gods, and we detail the lives, influences, and various theories put forth by the earliest of these so-called "Pre-Socratic" philosophers; included among them are Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pherecydes, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, and Heraclitus
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/08/020-intellectual-revolution.html
In this episode, we discuss part 2 of 2 on the influential poets whose writings gives us insight into the economic, social, and political happenings that reshaped archaic age Greece; in particular, we look at the turbulent history of late 7th and early 6th century BC Mytilene, which finds itself at the intersection of two great poets (Alcaeus and Sappho), tyranny, and one of the so-called "Seven Sages" (Pittacus), making it a perfect case study; and in response to all of these enormous economic, social, and political changes arose the phenomenon of the lawgiver, many of which were among the "Seven Sages"
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/08/019-poets-and-wise-rulers.html
In this episode, we discuss the literary changes that took place in the 7th and 6th centuries BC (moving away from grand epic to the more personalized lyric, elegiac, and iambic forms of poetry); and part 1 of 2 on the influential poets whose writings gives us insight into the economic, social, and political happenings that reshaped archaic age Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/08/018-from-lyric-to-epic.html
In this episode, we discuss the innovation taking place during the 7th and 6th centuries BC in the realm of vase painting (Orientalizing, Protocorinthian, Protoattic, black-figure, and red-figure), statuary (kouros/kore and reliefs), and architecture (Doric/Ionic temples, treasuries, and stoas) by looking at some notable works of Archaic art and architecture
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/08/017-archaic-art-and-architecture.html
In this episode, we discuss the new political phenomena arising in various parts of the Greek world in the 7th and 6th centuries BC, called tyranny, by focusing on four poleis in the Peloponnese in particular as case studies for its cause: Pheidon of Argos (the military cause), Kypselos and Periander of Corinth (the economic cause), Cleisthenes of Sicyon (the ethnic cause), and Theogenes of Megara (the unsuccessful attempt)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/07/016-age-of-tyranny.html
In this episode, we discuss the Greek emigration northeastward into the Chalkidiki, Thrace, Hellespont, Bosporus, Black Sea, and southwards into northern Africa during the 7th and 6th centuries BC; the reigns of the Lydian and Egyptian kings of the 26th Saite Dynasty and their relations with the Greeks until around 550 BC; and the development of coinage (first in Lydia and then its widespread adoption and adaptation by the Greeks in the 6th century BC)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/07/015-colonization-and-east.html
Intro by Dominic Perry of the History of Egypt Podcast
Website: https://egyptianhistorypodcast.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EgyptianPodcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EgyptianPodcast
In this episode, we discuss the causes of colonization (shortage of land, trade, and civil strife); the Greek emigration westward into southern Italy and Sicily, the coasts of southern France and eastern Spain, and on the islands of Corsica and Sardinia during the 8th, 7th, and 6th centuries BC; the development of the trireme by the Phoenicians/the Corinthians in order to protect their maritime trade networks from roving bands of pirates looking for ships laden with exotic goods; and their growing tensions in the central and western Mediterranean Sea with the Etruscans and the Phoenicians (specifically the Carthaginians) until around 550 BC
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/07/014-colonization-and-west.html
In this episode, we discuss the revolutionary changes in warfare that took place in the 8th and 7th centuries BC that were strictly Greek and reflect the abstract nature of the polis; the type of armor worn and weaponry employed by a typical hoplite; the organization and training of military forces; their application of tactics in a typical battle sequence; the cultic practices of the bloodlust god, Ares, who personifies the grim and horrific aspects of warfare; and the Lelantine War, the first large-scale war on the Greek record after the mythical Trojan War and the first instance in which these military changes were employed
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/07/013-hoplite-warfare.html
In this episode, we discuss the transitional governments in the early stages of the centrally unified polis (oligarchia and aristokratia), as the waning power of the basileis becomes supplanted by a small landowning group of nobles; the economic and social divisions between the nobles and commoners brought on by a spike in population in Greece; and the second great author of ancient Greece, a man named Hesiod, who speaks to us about life and society in the emerging polis from the point of view of the ordinary citizen, in his Works and Days
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/06/012-oligarchs-and-hesiod.html
In this episode, we discuss the community (demos), household (oikos), and economy (oikonomia) in the late "Dark Age"; its role as the foundations that led to the evolution of the city-state (polis) into a socio-political structure that brought about the transition from the "Dark Age" into the Archaic Period; and later Greek philosophical thought on the polis and polis identity and what it means to live in a polis beyond its physical space
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/06/011-from-oikos-to-polis.html
In this episode, we discuss early Greek religion that was formalized in writing by Homer and Hesiod; the rituals performed when the Greeks worshipped their deities; the evidence for the earliest sanctuaries in the 8th century BC that developed hand-in-hand with the city-state and their increasing wealth (as seen through votive offerings); the development of the idea of Panhellenism; and the foundation myths, archaeological evidence, and importance for the four predominant Panhellenic sanctuaries that gained massive popularity in the 8th and 7th centuries BC (the sanctuaries of Zeus and Hera at Olympia, the sanctuaries of Apollo and Artemis at Delos, the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi, and the sanctuaries of Zeus and Dione at Dodona)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/06/010-panhellenism.html
In this episode, we discuss the archaeological evidence for the late "Dark Age" during the 9th and early 8th centuries BC, especially the Heroon at Lefkandi and the Keremeikos at Athens; Greece's cultural reawakening and reconnection with the Near East thanks to their contact with the Phoenicians; the development of the Greek alphabet and its impact on Greek cultural development; the establishment of three trading posts/colonies at El-Mina (in the Levant) and Pithekoussai and Kyme (central Italy); and the evolution of "Geometric" vase painting, especially on kraters and amphoras and their role in the funerary process
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/05/009-greek-resurgence.html
In this episode, we discuss the archaeological evidence for the early "Dark Age" during the 11th and 10th centuries BC, particularly at the site of Nichoria in Messenia and the pottery of the Sub-Mycenaean and Protogeometic periods; the emigration of mainland Greeks to the Aegean islands and the western coast of Anatolia; and the first great author of ancient Greece, a man named Homer, who gives us insight into early Dark Age society and culture through his two great epic poems—the Iliad and the Odyssey
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/05/008-dark-age-and-homer.html
In this episode, we briefly discuss the Trojan War myth; the historical evidence for Mycenaean conflict in the eastern Mediterranean and Anatolia (by looking at the Egyptian and Hittite records); the archaeological evidence for layer VI and VII on the citadel of Hisarlik, i.e. ancient Troy (Wilion/Ilion); the Bronze Age collapse in both Greece and the Near East and its possible causes/explanations; the mysterious group of people known as the "Sea Peoples"; and the so-called "Dorian Invasion" of Greece
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/007-late-bronze-age-collapse.html
In this episode, we discuss the archaeological evidence of the Mycenaean Greeks of the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1650-1250 BC), particularly from the major palace centers at Mycenae, Tiryns, and Pylos; what the Linear B tablets can tell us about their society, economy, and religion; and their extensive trade network throughout the Mediterranean
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/006-mycenaean-greece.html
In this episode, we discuss the myths and archaeological evidence for the Minoans on Crete, who were an early source of cultural inspiration for the Mycenaean Greeks; the palace complex at Knossos; the volcanic eruption that blew apart the island of Thera (Santorini) in the mid-17th century BC, which was a catalyst for the decline of the Minoan civilization (and perhaps was the inspiration for Plato's infamous Atlantis); the ultimate subordination of the Minoans by the Mycenaean Greeks in the 15th and 14th centuries BC; and the decipherment of Linear B (an early form of Greek) by Michael Ventris in the mid-20th century AD
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/005-minoan-crete.html
In this episode, we discuss the archaeological evidence for the early Bronze Age on mainland Greece and the Cycladic Islands; the arrival of the Indo-Europeans in Greece (known as the proto-Greeks); and the rediscovery and excavation of three legendary Bronze Age cities (Troy, Knossos, and Mycenae) in the latter part of the 19th century AD by the infamous Heinrich Schliemann and Sir Arthur Evans that brought to light the Bronze Age peoples who would become known as the "Minoans" and "Mycenaeans"
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/004-early-bronze-age-greece.html
In this episode, we leave the realm of myth and trace the development of early primate/human activity in Greece in the Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age), culminating in the domestication of plants and animals, the rise of the earliest villages, and the development of metallurgy in the Neolithic Period (New Stone Age)
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/003-stone-age-greece.html
In this episode, we take a look at Creation, according to the Greeks; the Titanomachy, the Gigantomachy, and the ascendancy of the Olympian Gods; the creation of the first humans; the story of Prometheus and the first woman, Pandora; Deukalion and the great flood; and the progenitors of the various Greek tribes
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/002-greek-genesis.html
The first part of this episode is a brief introduction to the podcast; who I am, what my motivation is for doing this, and what I hope to achieve, and in the second part, we describe the geography of Greece (Hellas) and its natural resources
Show Notes: http://www.thehistoryofancientgreece.com/2016/04/001-let-there-be-greece.html
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